I tried Guilt and kept dying and didn't know what I was supposed to be doing, so then I tried Depression and I somehow won, even though I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing and it happened by accident. Then I tried Fear and after a few tries I realised with that one what I was supposed to be doing so I eventually won it. I then went back to Guilt and tried again but every time I thought I was doing what I was supposed to be doing (touching (holding?) the hand) I kept losing a life so I always got to all lives lost with "1 Left" in the game and no further.
The game is also very counterintuitive because when it says "x" Left that reads as if you have lost a life, not that you have protected(?) a target. That confused me for a while until I realised my lives were something else - the circles in the sidebar.
So ultimately I tried and I got through two of three mini games through trial and error but I couldn't win the Guilt game. Therefore I can't say that it meets the theme for me, unfortunately.
I did like the audio however.