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Excellent game. Played it a few months ago and it hit the spot just right,  so I decided to translate it to spanish.

I worked on it on and off and finally finished! So here you go: (I only tested it on Linux so idk if it works on Windows but if the scripts are the same it should. Also I didn't include the Mac version since it has a different file structure compared to the other two builds for some reason)

Thank you so much for this beautiful piece of art and comedy! I hope it reaches many more :D

PS: So, spanish has many variations and I tend to mix them up on purpose since I find it richer than using conventional neutral spanish. Rest assured though that any spanish speaker will understand it just fine regardless haha.
- Talaiporia speaks in softly archaic/european spanish.
- The "me" switches between formal/neutral to informal/argentine spanish.
- Hendrik tends to stick to formal/neutral but may let slip a few informalities probably also in argentine.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh my GOODNESS, this is so cool! I actually have next Tuesday scheduled to get a Spanish translation of The Jig Is Up posted to the site, as well, and the dude working on it was JUST TALKING this morning about his choices on where to use Argentine Spanish. Like, specifically for characterization reasons! Very seriously, whether you ever want to do another translation or not, if you'd like to chat with some other translators, it would be an absolute joy to have you in our discord:

I'm downloading the file right now, and I will add it to my schedule to work on on Tuesday! Thank you so much for the hard work that you put into this! Have you already added yourself to the credits? If not, let me know the name you'd like to be credited as, and I'll be more than happy to put it in!


Haha niiice what are the odds???
Awesome man sure I'll join.
I didn't add myself but you can add me as Antonio DLC, just like my username, it's an honor man thanks : D