Excellent game. Played it a few months ago and it hit the spot just right, so I decided to translate it to spanish.
I worked on it on and off and finally finished! So here you go: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NO1jA_J_N6G-z1ckuLuYQCNhsROt5Zg-?usp=sha... (I only tested it on Linux so idk if it works on Windows but if the scripts are the same it should. Also I didn't include the Mac version since it has a different file structure compared to the other two builds for some reason)
Thank you so much for this beautiful piece of art and comedy! I hope it reaches many more :D
PS: So, spanish has many variations and I tend to mix them up on purpose since I find it richer than using conventional neutral spanish. Rest assured though that any spanish speaker will understand it just fine regardless haha.
- Talaiporia speaks in softly archaic/european spanish.
- The "me" switches between formal/neutral to informal/argentine spanish.
- Hendrik tends to stick to formal/neutral but may let slip a few informalities probably also in argentine.