Hi Everyone, thanks for sharing your ideas!
I feel like there is some overlap in the points mentioned, I’ll try to address everything here
Tempo sync: This is fairly straightforward and I plan to add this for predelay and buffer size
Presets: Would be a good addition (for emergence too) especially because the I can ship some factory presets with the plugin to get people started. But I while I still might change features and parameters because that would probably mess up any existing presets.
kill switch: I also thought about this a couple of times while using the plugin so I might want to add this too
Size and delay time: Delay time here does not really work the same way as in regular delay plugins and the knob is labelled as Size for a reason. Predictable delay times are not really possible with the current pitch shifting method so this might not be the right tool for those needs.
Pan Maybe but I want to keep this one on the simple side and not end up with dozens of knobs
- For the pitch I would like to have the choice (maybe a switch button next to each pitch knob) between the additive pitch and a constant pitch. What you have now is the additive pitch (with each delay the pitch gets shifted more), and the option I’d like to have would be that if I choose a fifth above for example, that it doesn’t keep adding another fifth on top with each delay but stays on the pitch of the first fifth. I hope you understand what I mean. Of course that could be done with a normal delay plugin and a pitch shifter in front, but having it added as an option in your plugin would make it easy for example to select a constant pitch in the first delay and an additive pitch in the second delay.
I get the idea but this sounds like a lot of work for something that can already be done with existing tools or maybe even in this plugin to some degree. I think you can get something similar by setting up one delay line a pitch shifter (Feedback=0, Crossfeed=0, Width<0.5) and the other as delay with feedback and Crossfeed from the pitch shifter delay.