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There is so much here! I really appreciate how many different mechanics you successfully wove into 20 seconds of gameplay! Procedural objectives, wind, bullet drop, breath-controlled scope swaying, etc. The result is a truly immersive simulation! I would absolutely play a longer version of this game. 

The colors all complemented each other, and the art was fantastic - clear and cute without distracting from gameplay.

I noticed that the crosshair could not reach the edges of the screen. Is this intentional? What happens if your target wanders off-screen? Do they appear elsewhere? Or have you blown your window of opportunity?


Glad you liked. The crosshairs are bound to the map area. If the target walks offscreen, it's a fail. This is what limits the gameplay to 20 seconds since the random chosen path will only be for that long. You only have one chance.

Sounds like smart design!