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Thank you, princessbarb21 ^///^

Oh, I have some tips for that!
Usually, I would write short summaries of events from the beginning to end before I decide to write a {i}whole{/i} story. For example: 
- A farmer's introduction/daily life (beginning) >>> meets someone hurt in the forest (complication/trouble)>>> takes care he/she, turns out they have amnesia! >>> funny moments when they tried to help with chores >>> more funny/intimate moments >>>  a knight suddenly posted on the village's bulletin board that the King is looking for his illegitimate prince/princess! (more complication/trouble) >>> the farmer is worried because the description matched the amnesiac guest in his house >>>explained to the guest but he didn't want to go to the castle, comfortable living there with the farmer >>> the knights found them anyway and the farmer got arrested >>> the amnesiac prince/princess came to the rescue & recover their memories when they took a hit for the farmer>>> the prince/princess announced to renounce their position as royal heir to live happily ever after with the farmer

Whoa, that took longer than I expected, but you get the gist x'D
Make a skeleton first before you flesh it out!

You can also slowly explore the facts/re-read the plot to improve them :'3 
I hope it helps. I know too well about writer's block, but all I can say for that is... just do it and push your way through :'D (If needed, with force. You can always come back to polish it lol). I think it's different for every writer, but I believe when there's a will, there's a way!

But you're right, take your time and walk with your own pace. Don't overexert yourself, watch a movie/read a novel. Inspiration takes time and it often appears at strange places~ 


Thank you, very much appreciated.   

  That example is similar   to a outline.   Next time I'm inspired I'll try switching up my outline method. ;D