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Feedback is the only way we get better! We especially appreciate concise analysis as it pertains to gameplay and appreciation of the VN genre.

Now as to the Jane Austen factor-- we, the team, love the books in fact I visited her museum in Bath this summer.

It is safe to say we take our history seriously. The game script is largely written by a professor of history, and you will find that all clothes and other trappings are vetted by experts. 

We draw on numerous sources. The customers are collected from the recollections of Vilhelmine Ullmann, the daughter of Conradine Dunker whom herself was both a prolific and witty author.

Nearly every newspaper article is drawn from the national library and every named character met along the Promenade is a historical person that lived in Christiania in the 1820s. Temperature, weather, and moon phases are based on contemporary diaries.

While the narrative is imaginary, the setting is not. We are happy to challenge modern sensibilities by portraying the zeitgeist, intellectual spirit, of the era.  You will be happy to know that there are no right answers, just cause and effect. 

We believe that history needs no makeup. But stories do. For that reason, you have given us another good post to print out and hang up on the board. Thanks!

Kind regards, 

Maria, lead illustrator