I would like to make it clear, that a video game as a finished thing isn't the goal of the program. As I already said above, it's more about process, then a result. Because of different tech background and ability to work, we don't always get a finished product at the end of the course. More often it is just a project with interactive main character, BG, some obstacles, and enemies with simple AI. That's it.
Well, about team work. I'm glad you ask this because team work is a very important thing in order to increase children's social skills and self-confidence, and help them to develop into happier adults. All our students working in groups depending on their ages. Average group size is 6-8 persons.
Your second question is about a developing direction. Whether it is predefined or not? It is predefined, but only partially. The only things we predefine are a game genre and some assets. Everything else is absolutely depending on our students' will and imagination.