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Thanks for the answer.

My next questions are:

2. Do you group students so they work together in creating video game(s)? or do you focus on having students create game alone?

3. Do you give directions to students on what to create or do you let them create anything they want (be it garbage or messy game or good game)?

(1 edit) (+1)

I would like to make it clear, that a video game as a finished thing isn't the goal of the program. As I already said above, it's more about process, then a result. Because of different tech background and ability to work, we don't always get a finished product at the end of the course. More often it is just a project with interactive main character, BG, some obstacles, and enemies with simple AI. That's it.

Well, about team work. I'm glad you ask this because team work is a very important thing in order to increase children's social skills and self-confidence, and help them to develop into happier adults. All our students working in groups depending on their ages. Average group size is 6-8 persons.

Your second question is about a developing direction. Whether it is predefined or not?  It is predefined, but only partially. The only things we predefine are a game genre and some assets. Everything else is absolutely depending on our students' will and imagination.