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Very fun game :)
Some recommendations after a few play throughs...
1) It would be nice to have the background in the shop change color for item rarity (so you don't have to hover each refresh to check).
2) It would be nice to have a way to check what is equipped on a character without having to swap out another item of that type.
3) More verbose descriptions of the ultimate abilities would also be nice.

Glad you liked the game!

1) That sounds like a good idea, I'll look into it.

2) A detailed dwarf view is planned, I'm just not completely sure of how I will implement it.

3) There is a description in the "Guide" if you press ESC, or do you mean you want more than that?

Regarding 3 -- Some abilities like Axe Throw don't specify how much damage (or even if it does damage). I also noticed my bow appeared to have a high chance to miss early on when there are fewer enemies -- is there a stat to improve the accuracy for it?

Good point, I'll have to add that. Just for your info: Axe Throw deals melee damage (STR + some random number between min and max attack) and no, dwarf archers are just really bad at aiming and you should only use them against many enemies.

dwarf archers are bad at aiming... this makes sense! the bow is the Elf's tool after all ;)