Hi, i really appreciate this very informative reply, this really expands on a lot of things i had doubts about, you have answeered a lot of them, thank you very much.
Textboxes: i find that fields being editable and interactive both a plus and a minus, is there a way to toggle to make fields static? i meant textbox in the exact way fields work, but not editable, making the text not selectable or changeable.
i also thought stroke and fill styles were interchangeable? I have not grasped it properly yet, sorry.
The customizable colours is so neat? That means i can do it at runtime right? so each card i can use a different palette? THIS IS AWESOMEEE
the multicard display, i have found a workaround, open 2 deckers, keep one card which you need often open in another, keep the rest open in the second decker, this ONLY works if you have auto-save enabled or are used to saving often, also, i realised that decker is fixed in resolution so, multi-view isnt simple or accessible like i originally thought.
read[] for gif loading is so cool, your approach actually goes beyond the niche intention i had, your approach will actually enable single card-but-multiple outcomes/scenarios.
Your reply was so eye-opening, i am so happy to get to understand the working of decker in detail. I am going to try my hand at making the pattern editor. Thank you for the cursor keys tip, i would have never known that to be honest XD.