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This "advice" is utter crap:

His complains are mostly focused early game. Swap Stones are very late game items.

The methods suggested for getting max stats are literally exploits and warp Evo is also a mid to late game thing.

It's like you provided "advice" without actually understanding what the post is about.

(4 edits)

And I don't see how your post add anything to this?

And FYI swap stone is accessible by completing a 1 star Challenge and only cost 5k bits, so tell me how is that a "late game" item

Are they really an exploit though? So I guess swapping digimons with the data backups is an exploit as well since it allows you to have another Digimon with max stats? it's not like the game ends when you max your digimon, majority of the content can only be accessed when you have a maxed digimon, by then you also need leaders to do bosses and dungeons

But hey whatever helps you sleep at night