Hi there! Glad you managed to find it again, and that it had such an impact on you. I’m pretty proud of how it turned out, there’s a few quality of life enhancements and gameplay/story changes, among other things I’ll leave to you to discover! I can’t promise the bunnies don’t still screech, but it has been lessened by a good amount at least. :) Have fun!
I certainly didn't mind the screeching this time!
It took me just a little over two hours to reach the end, and I remember that when I first played it, I had to grind to even beat the first Yeti, but this time I managed to beat all the bosses first try, without any deliberate grinding! I used the technique where you jump back after an attack a lot, and I don't think I used it in my playthrough of the original.
I only died once, though I had many, many close encounters where the only thing that saved me was spamming the healing spell while trying to escape the swarm of bunnies I got caught in. Might be a bit overpowered that... .
The game map was very welcome.
I also found a small drawing glitch right near the end. Look at the bottom left side of the PC, on the left edge of the map.
Heheh, I caught many of those layering errors but there’s definitely still a few here and there like the one you found I’m sure. Thanks, I will make note of that one for if/when I do release any other patches. Glad you had an easier time of it! Though yeah I may have overcompensated for the difficulty curve a little bit. Ah well. :)