Hmm, is that all SFX in general? Or like menu ones? I only ask, because they're on separate settings. The normal SFX for like birds singing, showering, all that jazz, should be completely controllable and mutable within the settings. But the ones for when you click on menus and buttons and stuff can't be controlled by the player right now, unfortunately >.<
It's something I very recently found out about to do with attaching SFX to custom UI buttons in Unity with Nani. I can set the volume myself (and I tend to go with 10% precisely because it's too loud at anything above 50%, haha) but then it's set like that forever and players can't change it >.< Someone in DevTalk said they recently discovered the problem too, and that you can fix it by adding a separate script from Nani or something. So provided I can actually learn what it is to make those menu SFX controllable by Nani's sound settings, I should be able to fix that in a future update :3
As for that SFX that plays when you press space to advance text, this is an issue in every single one of my games that I've allowed spacebar to be used for advancing text on in Nani T_T It annoys the crap out of me because I haven't been able to get the issue to reproduce consistently in any of them >.< Sometimes when testing it doesn't do it at all! And sometimes it does it a couple of times and then stops. Other times, it does it constantly to the point that the spacebar is unusable because it's too irritating. I don't really understand what the heck causes it, or why spacebar isn't set as a default advance text option in Nani since it's pretty common for VNs. (Defaults are just mouse click and mouse scroll, so have to add spacebar myself as an input.)
And yeah, I get that could be kinda annoying with the choices that don't actually go anywhere >.< If I wasn't working backwards, I wouldn't have put them in there at all, but I just didn't wanna take the choices out when they're already there and they do lead places in my copy x3 It's just laziness on my part really! Makes it easier for me to continue again cos the code is actually there still to start Cana's route and stuff, it just won't trigger now in that released demo version. It's cos I'm running out of space to make copies of things >.< I need a big external hard drive for backups really, but they're just so expensive, so for now, it's easier to just try and work from single copies. Dunno what I'm gonna do if my PC dies though T_T
I'm glad you still enjoyed it despite those niggles though :3