Don't you still have to find bernard's lost friend in order to progress? I guess i wouldn't really know. I knew abt the logan vs bernie path, but originally i didn't romance Either of them until it seemed like i Had to. (hint system said get 3 hearts with bernie to progress werewolf plot & find the missing dude) Been awhile since i did the plot. Main problem is I'm just not into men & there's very limited options for gay women in this game. At least to unlock the village upgrades. Which are necessary for a lot of the new content it seems.
As I said, I get it's primary content is gay/bara men but it still offers the ability to play as a lesbian or bi or straight woman too. Albeit very limited options if you do try to play as a lesbian. As for Ste, I'm not sure what the problem is? I've never been able to progress past him going to the village with his kids. He discusses & sets up plans to build a path to his house, in game hint system just says to "sleep till morning" but nothing happens.
I visit the location you mentioned & nothing ever happens there either. Interestingly, another glitch i encounter is i still sometimes get the first orc throwing out "guests" whenever i sleep till morning. He's not been in the house for a Long time. I'm honestly tempted to start another new playthrough to see if i messed smthn up, but this is a very long game with alot of content in it. So that would be. Somewhat Annoying to do.