Easy cheese:
Once you got your first level up, instead of using that point to increase a stat, instead decrease durability as much as you want.
It totally goes even below zeor and , when I was trying to figure out when or if you can actually reasign a stat point , Igot to like -37 durability and therefor could then increase my strength to +36 or such.
Thing is this is only usable when
1.you got level up, so you have pooints to spent
2. you havent yet used that statpoint (you gott have 1 or more stapoints for assginment)
3. first have to decrease durabilty to get more stat points before you can put them all into strength or the other stat.
if, no matter what, at any point the stat points are assigned, the playis over. game instasaves the current assignment.
and you have to wait to try this again for the next level up (baiscally you have to have unassigned points. the second free statpoints counter equals zero, distribution is fixed and cannot be change duntil you got a new free statpoint upon next level up.
in short, first decreade durabilty to oblivion before rassigning the tens and hundreds of free stat points.
havent tried if in the same way strength or energy can be decreased below zero in the same way too.
might be possible
@developer: better put in a check so that when decreasing stat point, none of the 3 attributes can go below zero.
Sadly I only realized this after I had already made the invincible shadow thing on the left.
my normal (metal= sword didnt even hit it, and the light sword only pushed it away.
maybe some +100 strength would have made it possible to kill it (even though game obviously doent intend you to be able to do this)
by the way, esides the obvious strengths, what do the other 2 stats even do currently?
might have overlooked it but I didnt see anything change when I increased durability and such.
is there some tutorial zones beside the initial village with its many sign posts?
Also would be ni9ce to have health reset to max if saving or being respawned.