Hello! This plugin is absolutely amazing and full of potential! I’m currently using ‘Custom Text’ option in general section to make unique titles for each save slot! (by putting one actor’s nickname as ‘slot title’)
But I also have some trouble to deal with.
When deleting a save slot right after deleting another slot, I’m getting an error, saying ‘Cannot read property ‘open’ of undefined’
Though, everything goes well if not deleting one right after another.
The situation is like:
select slot1 -> select delete -> (slot1 deleted) -> select slot2 -> select delete -> ERROR
select slot1 -> select delete -> (slot1 deleted) -> back to main title -> select load -> select slot2 -> select delete -> (slot2 delete)
(I saw people on RPGMaker forum reported similar troubles. They’re also using v1.4.5. Seems something to do with plugin compatibility?)
Besides, can I disable the command window completely?
Choosing command while everytime saving/loading the game is not necessary. I prefer more simplified experiences like the one of RM’s original save menu:
When selecting a slot on save screen, save/override immediately.
When selecting a slot on load screen, load immediately.