you're welcome. the only thing i haven't done yet is to become futa and doing that crowd hero mission (guess i will have to restart the story). i also looking forward to the halloween event now that i know that the infection isn't permanent (and infecting other people). also i have a feeling that the drinking event is the rarest of all the event there because i only finds it once and that's that.
for the stealth part, regardless of the game isn't being a stealth or not, i still find it scary, probably because i've never played horror game in my life and the ability to clim the hill really safe me from the situation where i got chased by one of them. oh yeah, before i forgot, there's a bug on the kobold stealth mission but i forgot what it was (or maybe because i played it wrong i. i don't know i kind of forget about it) and also at the mission where nishy got captured by the orc and become slave, the specific mission would be when nishy is noticed there is a cage open and she went into it and the only way out is to put her pussy into the dildo once again , there is a chance that the animation won't triggered (this bug occured when i played the theater mode exactly on that specific mission but you could check it on the main story as well eventhough it doesn't occured to me).
for the fairy part, it's understandable. I also am a little bit of a game developer even though i'm working with rpg maker (still learning my way with unity and looking for a decent internet to download it) so I know how stressful it is. I also curious about how the fairy event turned out to be. Based on your description, the gameplay you're planning for the fairy is fairly similar to the fairy from the rpg maker game that i played lately (though, it's just describing what happens in the event).