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This is really cool! Especially like that you gave folks the opportunity to recreate it in-class. Do you have any experiences playing it with students that you would like to share? I'm curious to hear which argument(s), if any, a consequentialist gave convinced Loving Parents to give up Baby.

It's certainly a lively classroom experience! The Calamity Table is a result of play-testing an earlier version with students that did not include that mechanic. In that version, I let the Baby Eaters come up with all of the consequences themselves, which was fun for them, but I found they escalated too quickly. Then the Loving Parents would become nihilistic... the world is already ruined, it's not like it can get any worse, et cetera... Another thing I found interesting was that some of the arguments students found most compelling were not, strictly speaking, consequentialist arguments; many of them had to do with what an unsacrificed Baby would think of the Loving Parents' decisions and of themselves when they grew old enough to comprehend what their parents had let happen.