v0.7 Changes:
- Added an intro to each level
- Replaced level 3 thorns with retractable spikes
- Created a morality system
- Kill 5 good enemies and take 2 damage
- Added a way to detect if genocide route is being done (currently has no effect on gameplay)
- Added candles to level 3
- Added butterflies to level 1
- Text appears on screen now when unlocking new abilities
- Changed Bishop attack sprites
- Changed Bishop evil animations
- Added eyes to the room near Baba Yaga
- Camera shake for taking damage increased
- Changed player start position in level 1
- Fixed intense camera shake on level start bug
- Changed position of the kraken that was directly under the Bishop arena
- Fixed bug where sirens never dropped food
- Fixed bug where treants and trolls only dropped apples, carrots, bananas, and pumpkins, and would be guaranteed to drop an item
- Lowered Banshee shoot attack (you can't just hide under it anymore)
- Randomized Banshee spike positions
- Banshee spikes no longer slightly stick out of the ground
- Changed Bishop arena thorns
- Enemies now take damage from environmental hazards
- Treants and trolls will now try to jump over environmental hazards
- Kelpie unaggro range 64 -> 16
- Level 2 pit jump is now possible with dash.
- Fixed UI to work with 16:9 aspect ratio monitors
- Put lose screen button behind vignette