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A member registered Mar 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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The mixer animation is cool! Also, I feel like the placing objects on the grid mechanic has a lot of potential. Like maybe have the bread only effect the objects in range, making the player consider how they are using their grid space. Although moving the objects was a bit finicky, especially moving them out of the inbox square. But overall, cool concept!

I just tried it, and the game is much better! I like the lifesteal effect that the mouths have! I also couldn't damage myself

This game has a lot of potential! Although I did find a few issues:

  • Aiming the character was quite difficult, making it hard to kill enemies.
  • If you rotate fast enough, you damage yourself.
  • The player moves pretty slow, and it sometimes took a while to find any enemies.

But aside from those things, this game is cool! I like the detailed backgrounds, the upgrading system, and the juicy sound effects!

When I saw that the game required one asset from the Genies pack, I assumed it meant any asset, so I used the skybox. Was I supposed to use a character? And if so, will I be disqualified?

Thanks! It helps to see footage of the game from someone other than me lol

In which ways was it unintuitive? Like was the drifting off?

Also, I'm glad you enjoyed the presentation!

Although it could of had more polish, this game is actually quite fun! Also the laser turrets are overpowered

Oops! Must have forgotten to remove that feature...

I finished in 47 moves on my first try. I quite like the Windows XP theme, as well as the creativity with this game!

This is quite a cool game that was fun to play! Although I did notice a few bugs and things that could be improved. 

For one, the collision for the ball being counted as going through the hoop was a bit buggy. If the ball hit the outside of the rim in a certain way, it would still count and just bounce off, leaving to multiple balls being on screen, kinda like pinball multiball. I would assume this is because the collider of the ball was not set to continuous.

Two, as another commenter stated, changing a balls momentum from backwards to forwards took a while and was a bit annoying. Perhaps add a sloped bit on the front of the pad to encourage charging toward the ball for a more forward hit.

Finally, sometimes the balls would be launched in a way that made it impossible, or at least very difficult, to score. Like the pad would be on the far left and the ball would be launched toward the far right. Sometimes the ball would launch right into the net.

Overall though, this game was quite good. The mechanics felt solid (except for the things I talked about earlier of course). The visuals were nice, and so were the particles. It's a pretty good game for a game jam!

v1.0 Changes:

  • Fixed boss text reappearing when moving to certain parts of the arena in Bishop and Banshee fights
  • This is the first official release of the game. We hope you enjoy it! :)

v0.9.2 Changes:

  • Decreased max rain intensity in Baba Yaga fight from 500 -> 450
  • Banshee health decreased 175 -> 165
  • Bishop health decreased 240 -> 200
  • Cyclops health decreased 35 -> 30
  • Cyclops speed decreased 15 -> 12
  • Fairy attack cooldown 2s -> 2.5s
  • Kelpie health 20 -> 15
  • Kelpie speed 8 -> 7
  • Kraken health 25 -> 20
  • Siren health 25 -> 20
  • Siren attack speed 2s -> 2.5s
  • Sphinx attack speed 0.65s -> 1s
  • Treant max jump duration 2s -> 1s
  • Treant jump speed 9 -> 8
  • Troll jump speed 16 -> 14
  • Troll horizontal speed 4 -> 3.5
  • Wall of Eyes health 35 -> 30
  • Wisp speed 7 -> 6
  • Baba Yaga Wisp Phase 1 speed 10 -> 7
  • Baba Yaga Wisp Phase 2 speed 12 -> 10
  • Baba Yaga Wisp Phase 3 speed 16 -> 12
  • Baba Yaga Wisp Phase 4 speed 18 -> 14
  • Player pogo vertical speed 20 -> 22
  • Player sword knockback 6 -> 7

v0.9.1 Changes:

  • Added help menu
  • 63726162666F726420696E64696361746F72

v0.9 Changes:

  • Added flowers and trees to level 1
  • Changed the level 3 background at the start of the level
  • Fixed level 1 and 3 journal entries
  • Added burger right before Bishop fight
  • Decreased drag and speed of Bishop cross projectiles
  • 43726162666F7264206973207265616C21

v0.8.4 Changes:

  • Changed level 3 start position back to where it should be (again)
(2 edits)

v0.8.3 Changes:

  • Added rain to Baba Yaga arena
  • Added warning to reset data button
  • Changed level select UI
  • Added new journal entry to level 1
  • Swapped level 1 and 3 journal entries
  • Ending fade should now no longer overlap on letterbox
  • Added Baba Yaga battlecry animation (plays at the start of the fight)

v0.8.1 Changes:

  • Changed level 3 start position back to where it should be
(2 edits)

v0.8 Changes:

  • Added Baba Yaga Boss
  • Added ending and credits
  • Added a genocide route
  • Made morality bar only deal 1 damage to player when full
  • Added background to level 3

v0.7.2 Changes:

  • Fixed level 2 letterbox
  • Changed intro text

v0.7.1 Changes:

  • Fixed Banshee camera
(1 edit)

v0.7 Changes:

  • Added an intro to each level
  • Replaced level 3 thorns with retractable spikes
  • Created a morality system
    • Kill 5 good enemies and take 2 damage
  • Added a way to detect if genocide route is being done (currently has no effect on gameplay)
  • Added candles to level 3
  • Added butterflies to level 1
  • Text appears on screen now when unlocking new abilities
  • Changed Bishop attack sprites
  • Changed Bishop evil animations
  • Added eyes to the room near Baba Yaga
  • Camera shake for taking damage increased
  • Changed player start position in level 1
  • Fixed intense camera shake on level start bug
  • Changed position of the kraken that was directly under the Bishop arena
  • Fixed bug where sirens never dropped food
  • Fixed bug where treants and trolls only dropped apples, carrots, bananas, and pumpkins, and would be guaranteed to drop an item
  • Lowered Banshee shoot attack (you can't just hide under it anymore)
  • Randomized Banshee spike positions
  • Banshee spikes no longer slightly stick out of the ground
  • Changed Bishop arena thorns
  • Enemies now take damage from environmental hazards
  • Treants and trolls will now try to jump over environmental hazards
  • Kelpie unaggro range 64 -> 16
  • Level 2 pit jump is now possible with dash.
  • Fixed UI to work with 16:9 aspect ratio monitors
  • Put lose screen button behind vignette

v0.6.1 Changes:

  • Fixed journal unlock animation going over letterbox
(2 edits)

v0.6 Changes:

  • Added a monster journal
  • Added a notification for unlocking enemies in journal
  • Added Wall of eyes
  • Added Troll
  • Added Sphinx
  • Added Siren
  • Changed item pickup look
  • Changed item pickup particles
  • Created a transition to the Baba Yaga arena in level 3
  • Fixed bug where fireball bubble trail appears out of water in level 2
  • Changed the player sword swing animation
  • Changed landscape at the start of level 3
  • Added food items in certain locations in level 3
  • Gave good enemies extra health
  • Added effect when killing good enemies
  • Potentially added a little secret in one of the levels... (Hint: you might find a skeleton somewhere)

v0.5 Changes:

  • Added Sea Bishop boss
    • Proper textures for spike and homing projectile attack aren't in the game yet
    • Animations for the boss have yet to be made
  • Changed save file name from "" to ""
  • Added level 2 enemies to end of level 3
    • The only exception is the Siren, which isn't in the game yet

v0.4.1 Changes:

  • Changed main menu. Let me know what you think
  • Banshee health: 200 -> 175
  • Added extra tiles in level 3 so you can't see out of bounds at the start
(2 edits)

v0.4 Changes:

  • Added a basic save system
  • Added a way to pickup the fireball/dash abilities
  • The save file is located in This PC/Windows(C:)/Users/[your name]/AppData/LocalLow/DefaultCompany/MysticMagic/
  • Added a button to reset save data
  • Changed button colors