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For your save issue, is it that you are unable to save while in-game, or that when you try and load said saves, the game doesn't register them? From your report, I'm getting the feeling you are able to save, but not to load, so then my first question would be, can you load from a save if you don't close the game beforehand? And after saving, if you go into the game folder, and go into the "www" folder within that, is there a folder named "save" within? Regardless of whether you can save and not load or can't save at all, it is most likely a permissions issues, which I don't see often on Windows. One quick way to try and fix that would be to run the game as administrator. Another potential issue is that the filepath is too long to read the save files. In that case, try moving the game to your desktop and running it, and seeing if that helps. If neither of those solutions work, there are other potential solutions, but knowing the answers to my questions above will help me try and figure out what will be most likely to work, thanks.

Yes, I can load from a save if I haven´t close the game, and no, there is no "save" folder after I sav

That is very odd. You're not running the web version, are you? You downloaded the "windows" version? I don't know how you would be able to load from a save file without the game making a save folder to put said files. Did you check for the folder after saving and closing the game, or after saving while the game is still open? I'm wondering if the save folder is created and then deleted for some reason. And I assume you tried the two possible solutions I mentioned to no avail? Just want to double check that those didn't work.