You've made a stable, functional minimun viable product and that's a good place to start.
And, though I realise that you may not have had more time to finalise the project, I believe there are a few small points where some extra care could have improved the experience.
For one, there is no instruction on the title screen on how to start the game. Of course, you can intuitively presume pressing the space bar to be one of the first things a player may try, but a simple 'press space' would forego any need for presumptions.
Aside from this, I think you should definitely have been able to put collision on the buildings. I understand that this may seem difficult when you've never done something like it before, but that makes it puzzling that the brick building does appear to have functioning collision.
As an addition to the previous point, it is much too easy to escape the bounds of the game world. You can simply walk up a mountain and jump into the void. I think this is one of those rare cases where the use of an invisible wall is not just acceptable, but appreciated.
I also found that pressing the sprint and crouch keys with just the right timing will permanently give you hyperspeed while not sprinting.
There is also the issue that the three anime-looking characters that stand near your starting position have broken textures on my end. I don't expect you to be able to fix this, but I do think you should have tried to select other models with working textures instead.
Finally, I think you should ask a native English speaker to proofread your texts. This is especially necessary in a text-dependent game such as this.
I wish you much luck in your future endeavours.