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A member registered Jun 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow, this game is really hard! I saw in the description that there was a store, so I tried to at least get to there, but I couldn't manage it. I feel like this concept could have worked, but having the first two objects you face pop in and out of existence in random intervals makes it really difficult to even get started

Did you rename the html file to index?

What files do you have and what engine did you make it in?


Hey, just to be sure, you know that there is no game on this page right?

(1 edit)

Clear and concise. There are a few things you could improve to make it more fun, but most importantly try to tweak the jump. Once you've made a weighty, satisfying jump, you will never have to think about it again. The trick is to increase the gravity while the player is falling

Nice, I like the animation on the player characters.

Nice play on words

The spritework on the main character looks incredible! I'm afraid I did die a few times to causes unknown to me, though. Maybe I just couldn't figure it out, but it seems there is no way to try again with the exception of refreshing the page. That would be a much appreciated feature. (also, there's one stray pixel on the sprite when she is near piano keys)

I do like the idea of a big key that shoots out smaller keys to fight chests. It works. I would personally prefer if you could hold down the mouse button to shoot. This would also make the game more accessible. I like the way the enemies slow down as they approach you. I don't think I've seen that sort of enemy behaviour before

By no means a new concept, but it works. I like the way the shuffle patterns look. Unfortunately, my laptop couldn't keep up with this wizard's power and I couldn't follow the keys through lag spikes. The secondary themes are used well enough, but the keys could of course be substituted for anything. The music fits well

(1 edit)

I like the idea of the spinning level. I thought at first it might have needed some more guidance, but I managed to reach the bottom, so that should be fine. I like the presentation - the aesthetics and sound design . The gameplay is very simple, though this isn't necessarily a bad thing. I didn't see the mandatory theme "key". How was this implemented?

Thank you! Was not expecting more engagement on this game

Exceptional polish! The animations, the character design, the lighting, it's all above what is expected of such a short jam. The gameplay is, by and large, great as well. I have two problems: the monsters not being visible when not lit is a great choice, of course, but do make sure not to cheap out the players with it. After the first breakroom, there is a monster hiding around the corner and, when a player approaches, it will not be naturally lit by their flashlight. You sort of just need to know that it's there. Secondly, I'm afraid that hiding was a bit inconsistent for me. I understand you get hit when the animation is still underway, but I've also gotten hit after the animation had already finished and the box had been settled for a few moments. This made me avoid using the hiding mechanic, which is, of course, supposed to be an important mechanic for the game.

These were really my only problems with the game. It's very impressive, how much you managed to achieve in such a short time.

You got a nice concept going! I think it's sort of lacking a goal. That doesn't have to be an ending, but just having a score or a timer would make a huge difference. Very nice presentation and audio, I especially like the eyes' laughter. Implementation of theme and special feature is great

This game is very well put-together! There are quite a few features and they all seem to work as intended. That being said, I think the theme implementation is a bit lacking. I understand that hiding in a cardboard box makes it so the enemies don't trust what they see, but hiding in a cardboard box is not a vital feature in this game. You can go through the game without hiding at all and, in my opinion, it's much easier to do so, because you can't punch people to death while hiding and you're a lot slower.

The presentation is excellent, the game is very stable, the punch has a good feel to it. There is much to be praised about this game, especially given the time constraints.

Very nice. I like that the box is used for multiple purposes. The presentation is a bit lacking, but the game is enjoyable and the theme and special feature implementations are good

I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Got through it with 57 deaths. I though at first that the enemy showing up randomly wouldn't fit well with the platforming challenges, but I never got into a situation where I couldn't avoid it and the narrow misses were very exciting. Two small problems: I couldn't collect the green stars, at least not by just touching them. I also felt the wall jump was a bit inconsistent in how much horizontal velocity it gave. The presentation and music certainly made up for those pretty minor flaws

I quite like the presentation. The colour palette is cute and the spritework legible and clear. I'm afraid that, unless I'm missing something crucial, the gameplay is a bit lacking. Is there any way to ascertain which packages contain the bombs? The implementation of the theme and special object was perfect.

I quite like the presentation. The colour palette is cute and the spritework legible and clear. I'm afraid that, unless I'm missing something crucial, the gameplay is a bit lacking. Is there any way to ascertain which packages contain the bombs? The implementation of the theme and special object was perfect.

Are you sure the number of scanners doesn't increment? We made it so that the cutscene from picking it up only plays once unless you close out of the game, maybe that caused some confusion?

Thanks for checking out our game! Will do for sure

You published this before the jam even started

Uh oh, that's not good. Looks like it's to do with the dialogue system. Probably should have tried to run it before submitting

That wasn't my problem, no. Finally got it fixed, though

I finally got the webGL build working! I'm so happy

Yeah, I'd just learned you apparently don't have to include the "library" folder, which helps a lot

Oh hey, we did the same game

Here's mine: 

Composed three tracks for it and made it easier for following devs to add more content

My day 3:

Made a soundtrack for it and did some polishing. I tried to make it a bit easier for following devs to add more levels. Unfortunately can't get a webGL build going for some reason.


Unfortunately, it looks like I won't be able to get a webGL build going today. It's an absolute nightmare trying to figure out what's going wrong

I'm pretty sure it hasn't been taken yet

Hey, thanks. I've never really colabbed with anyone before, but that could be fun

I'm sort of losing motivation, because I don't think anyone's going to pick up either of the projects I worked on so far

I've got 2 unity games up for grabs.

My day 2 a 3D platformer that's playable in browser. I've done my best to make it easier for following devs to add more levels.

My day 1 continued on day 2 a 2D farming game where you have to appease a demonic entity. I put a lot of love into it and would love to see it continued

Do you have a game for day 3 yet?

I'd like to continue this one

I've changed my mind. I'd rather work on a game without music so I can compose some myself

I'd like to continue this one