I feel like the batteries you need to complete the game and the batteries you need to win should be separate, or, at least, make the torch using up batteries extremely slow. It's extremely difficult to win since you're constantly using up batteries to find more batteries.
It's also impossible to see the batteries since they're very small and dark, which means there's no way you can just find them lying around. The batteries need a small glow effect, I feel.
Not helping is that the environment is very samey, which makes it very hard to make a mental map of the area. The torch also isn't very good, making it even harder. I know the point is that you can't see that far, but it's so small I had to resort to just spinning it around the screen to see where I'm going, it should be a little larger.
The monster can also just randomly spawn where you're not looking. and kill you, which is never fun or fair.
The concept's alright, but it definitely needs a lot more polish to be fun.