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A member registered Mar 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Oh, that's an interesting bug, seems like I didn't account for the fact that you can reload the final level with the "special state".

It isn't too major, so if there's bigger bugs I'll fix it with them. Good catch, though!

I still think it's really lucky how coherent this concept wound up, lmao. It's weirdly addicting to play.

I know you probably won't work on this further but powerups and more enemy variety would be cool

Pretty good update, game's actually playable - if a bit too easy - now. I liked that bomb ending too, well done.

Pretty great concept, but it's unclear that it's a survival game right up until you die, lmao. I think the name was a bit misleading, I was trying to find something to do and only realized there wasn't one later. I think a score section on the HUD would be perfect for both explaining this and giving incentive to survive as long as possible.

Presentation was great and the music was catchy, I wish it were easier to see where you're going though. Everything looked identical so it was tough to find where you are in the arena.

Overall a decent little game! Once I got the hang of it it was pretty fun, though I do wish there were powerups and stuff, maybe a rare way to kill enemies as well?

I love the graphics! Super clean recreation of the classic gameboy style, though it is hard to see where the enemy bullets are and the screen is way too small.

It's a pretty good recreation of Space Invaders, but that's pretty much all it is. There's a bit of a fun twist in that dead enemies act as projectiles as well, but otherwise it's just standard Space Invaders, with no powerups or new enemy types and so on.

Overall still good, but it's not really the most original.

I liked the presentation a bit, the use of light and shadow was quite nice, though there was a serious problem in that the buttons shown to you in the tutorial were impossible to see because the shadows covered them up.

The concept also had a lot of potential, with the lantern giving you an attack, and two different forms of movement for when you had it or not, but the execution was very messy.

First of all the player is way too large, and way too sluggish and slippery. This makes it so basic platforming is annoying to do, especially because you keep needing to keep switching between holding the lantern and not holding the lantern in order to get around.

Second of all, the puzzles are all very confusing. It's not at all obvious what you need to do to continue, other than just running around in circles activating and deactivating torches until the doors forward open. The black torches also were not explained at all in the tutorial, only being explained after a level where you needed them to solve the puzzle, which I got stuck on because the torch I needed to switch was on the ceiling where I couldn't see it.

Thirdly the attack was basically useless. Despite using the mouse it only shot straight forward, meaning with the difficult jump controls it's extremely hard to land a hit on the ghosts. There was also a line about banishing them in the tutorial, but I never managed to do it even when I shot them twice with the fire. The fire also takes too long to reload, and there's no indicator as to when they'll reload, so I just had to wait around for no reason since it needed to reload for a puzzle.

Overall it's got a lot of potential, but it's so frustrating and annoying to play that I wouldn't wanna touch it again until it has a lot more polish and design work.

It's weird seeing another game have a similar idea to mine, hahaha. The graphics are pretty good, and the audio is nice, if a bit unfitting for an intense chase. Plus, there's a bug where if you restart the level completely, the audio layers over itself.

The controls, jumping especially, feel way too floaty, which makes fast and precise movement very hard to do. There's also a major issue where the camera is too centered on the character, pushing where you need to go offscreen. I got stuck for a while near the third collectible because the next platform was offscreen and I kept missing it.

The head is also way too fast. It instantly teleports directly to the player every three seconds, which is a lot harder to visualize than something continuously chasing you like in Celeste or in my game. I found myself continuously counting "one, two three" every time I moved in order to make sure I didn't get hit.

That teleportation also makes exiting a checkpoint after dying basically a gamble, since it teleports directly to you almost as soon as you leave. 

Overall, still quite a good game! I found it pretty fun and exciting, and I liked the boss fight idea, even if it was a bit easy. 

Thank you so much for checking out and enjoying the game! Funnily enough I did think about a speedrun timer, but I ran out of time to implement it, lmao. I'm working on a post-jam update that should hopefully have it, alongside a lot of other fixes and tweaks!

The graphics could definitely use some work - inconsistent use of outlines, colors, plus the background has aliasing for some reason - but the gameplay's actually pretty good. It does get a bit repetitive with only two enemy types and no powerups and stuff, but it is fairly difficult so that's not too bad.

There is a bug where you can get the rapid fire from dashing without moving, though, which makes the game a fair bit easier, though.

Overall. a surprisingly good game.

Yo, Ben! Thanks for checking out the game! You're not alone, pretty much everyone that's played the game said it was very difficult, hahaha. I've been working on a post jam update to make it a bit easier, but I'm glad you liked it despite the difficulty! 

For how simplistic this game is, it's very fun and hectic. Absolutely rock solid arcade gameplay, but I do wish there were more powerups and that they appeared a bit more often.

Graphics are also really nice! I love all the little attentions to detail like how the smiley face has animations for losing some goofuses to the Vortex and gaining health, or that the vortex changes color when it absorbs some dudes. The music appears to be bugged for me, but I didn't really mind.

Overall a fantastic game!

The graphics were quite good, but the tileset was a bit too busy for my tastes. I also quite liked the concept, and the reflecting mechanic is fun, though I wish it had feedback like particles and effects. The monsters shooting could definitely use some as well.

It's intended to be a hard game, which I enjoy, but it's definitely hard in a way that doesn't feel fair to the player. The player character is far too slippery and has way too much inertia for all the precise platforming the game asks of you. The spike hitbox is also way too large for such a small sprite, and I kept dying by touching the side of the blocks the spikes were attached to, which makes being precise even more difficult.

The tutorial is also way too slow and you can easily miss some information by being impatient, like I did with the shield rotation mechanic.

It's an alright, even quite a fun game, but it definitely needs some more polish. Not bad for a first jam.

Thanks for taking the time to do an in-depth reply, too! Funnily enough, thanks to how fast and how many zombies there were I found camping basically impossible, I spent more time just being swarmed instead, especially in the later areas.

It's a bit too simple at the moment, but it's a playable game, at least. I think if you had smaller monsters with a different movement pattern for each monster type it'd be a lot more interesting to dodge them, especially if as the game got harder more show up at the same time. The game could also benefit with keeping track of how long you've survived to give you incentive.

It's a simple, but very well executed game! I love the graphics, especially the attention to detail for the animation of the cat sitting up.

The only thing I really didn't like was how slowly the game ramped up the difficulty, and that each of the lanes were just gray squares, but otherwise it was fantastic!

I'd wish to see more content added to it but honestly that might detract from the simple fun of it.

Thanks for checking out the game! Yeah, the platforms are gonna get fixed in a post-jam update.

Pretty cool game. I've only seen like two other 3D games this jam, so that's pretty rare. Graphics and sound were quite good, though the zombie animations do feel a little stiff, especially when you kill them.

The game is quite frustrating, though. There's no reticule, so picking up the gun at the start is way harder than it has to be, same with aiming without the guns' sights. There's also nothing telling you you can use the gun's sights, so I just spent most of my first attempts whiffing shots and getting annoyed that the death screen just goes "lmao aiming good means you don't die"

The grenades also feel completely worthless since they take too long to explode. By the time they do the horde moved away from it and you just waste a grenade. Reloading also takes way too long and you just get killed immediately if you're cornered and need to reload, though I do concede that's probably intentional.

The entrances to the areas you need to unlock also aren't obvious, so I spent my first playthroughs not realizing they were there because the text that pops up was being blocked by a headphone stand I had. It's a bad idea to make progression like that not immediately clear, especially since I spent most of that time thinking I was just bad at the game. I also don't know if there's any ammo to pick up, but if there were it was easily missable as well.

There's also no feedback on taking damage, having low health, or damaging zombies, so I sometimes just died randomly and didn't understand why. I think it might've been my own grenades, but without the feedback and jumping directly to the death screen I wasn't sure.

It's overall a very solid entry, but I'd only play it again once it's a lot more polished.

Pretty fun concept. Graphics are nice, but I wish there were sound effects and music. Game was definitely a bit too easy but there was a lot of good use of mechanics.

It was a bit weird that I couldn't stop holding the chocolate once I started holding it, though. I feel like that would've made for an interesting mechanic where you had to stop/start move the dog around obstacles without letting them eat it, but it might've made it a bit too easy.

Overall quite a solid game, but I definitely wish there was a lot more to it!

It's a fun concept and I like the idea a lot, it's just waaaay too easy at the moment. There's nothing stopping you from just waiting to get enough for a generator and then spamming them down in a small area since each generator just gives you more and more energy, and then spamming the lights and 10 houses you need once you have enough.

The presentation is also pretty rough but that's honestly normal for a game jam. The music was a neat fit though.

It's not a bad start, though! Definitely wish there was a more polished version that needed actual strategy, like more resources required than energy and placing limitations.

It's an interesting concept, doing tasks as fast as possible while trying to avoid the deadly cart for as long as possible, but the execution is where it falls apart.

The graphics hurt my eyes a lot because they're very, very bright blues and greens with little saturation and very similar lightness values to each other, so it's hard to see the text for tasks or score without squinting. I'd recommend looking into color theory and how to make color palettes.

It's also pretty repetitive and outside of getting the "go left/right" tasks you're just gonna be walking in circles mashing the same button five times. The cart dropping ink is a nice concept to help keep it interesting but it gets very hard without any way for the ink to clean up, especially with a large hitbox like the player has.

It's definitely an alright game, though, just needs a lot more work and polish to make it interesting and visually appealing.

Pretty solid game! Love the graphics, though the ball exploding sprite is a bit bugged. It's a good take on a common concept as well with the spike dodging.

It is pretty hard however, mostly because the player feels very slippery and sluggish. The ball also feels very floaty, with each bullet pushing it in very awkward ways. Double jumping isn't explained anywhere either, actually.

Overall a great game, though! 

Actually I've decided to slow down the crow on the first few levels to get you used to it. It's also been nerfed a lot like my teammate mentioned as well ;)

I think this might be one of my favourite games in the jam, if not the favourite. Everything is very well polished, and the gameplay is super fun and addictive,

Honestly my only problems with it is that there wasn't a lot of variety so I got bored around Wave 30, and that it was way too easy to accidentally place a tower in front of you after buying it if you pressed E too quickly.

I think having the mouse visible and allowing you to attack in any direction + place the towers using it would've been perfect.

Otherwise, this game was amazing, and I really hope you extend it out more after the jam!

It's a nice, though fairly generic concept, but it's hurt a lot by you not being able to finish it, sadly. I like how the weapons were all raycasts, that's very unique compared to the other wave defense games.

I honestly don't know what to say since it's too unfinished to fully comment on. I will say the fact that the enemies chase you instead of the tree is a bit off, though. Since the tree is what matters they should ignore you and focus on it instead.

Honestly I feel bad for rating it low. I hope you can find the time to finish it and make it what it's supposed to be, though!

Yeah I've been getting that a lot hahaha. My best friend even directly compared it to Dark Souls. Thanks for checking it out, though!

I might not have gone far enough to see them, actually! Without a wave indicator it's hard to tell how much progress you've got

Brutally tough, but really fun! - Kinda like my own game, hahaha - The graphics are absolutely gorgeous and polished, easy 5 stars there.

The enemy hitboxes are definitely quite unforgiving though. I kept missing the tall dude since his hitbox is a lot smaller than his sprite.

It's a great entry! Good job for a first completed game.

Oof, I dunno if I should rate this but I guess 32 people already have, hahaha. I like the bullet hell/chess combo! It was a ton of fun. I also liked seeing all the different guns too, though it definitely got a bit repetitive after a while with no score incentive and not a lot of content. I don't think I ever saw a Rook or a Queen?

The presentation was great! I love the art style and the music, though I wish there were effects for enemy pieces dying. It was so close to the color limitations, though! Black, White, Blue, and Red would've been perfect for it. The guns and pieces were also definitely a bit too compressed to understand what they are clearly, I kept thinking there was a rocket launcher and didn't realize one of the pieces was a Bishop.

Overall it's a very solid game despite not following the limitations! I'd definitely love to come back to this once there's a lot more content. Maybe adding in some pieces from other chess variants once the full board is represented?

I like the art a lot, though I do feel like it's missing some background music. It's also a pretty good concept, a Lemmings-style game where you have to guide a cat around, but ironically enough the game itself is like herding cats around - impossible and frustrating.

I couldn't get past the second level because of two main issues - First of all the up arrow is buggy and inconsistent. Both unintended strategy of launching up the cat and the presumably intended strategy of making staircases fail because the up arrow doesn't work half the time.

Secondly the UI doesn't really work all that well. It's impossible to deselect a block after you've already selected it, so you just end up wasting them by placing them in a random location. It's also impossible to move the camera while holding a block, so you waste them by trying to move up as well. You also can't undo or erase blocks, which is a necessity in these kinds of games.

I know you want the player to "rage and be frustrated" but this isn't the kind of rage and frustration that makes you want to see more of the game. This is the kind of rage and frustration that makes you want to not play the game anymore.

It's still quite a solid game, but it needs more polish to be playable.

The graphics are quite good. Reminds me of Pico-8 games. Music fit nicely and the coin colleection sound is pretty nice.

It is definitely way too simple though. Quite short, basically only one mechanic and the coins are a very minor incentive to do trickier movement.

It's alright, just could use a lot more content. It's a good base to work off of, though!

The presentation is fine, I like the stickman stuff, but I'm gonna have to dock a point for the music being really repetitive.

It's a pretty good concept, and I like the notebook theme, but it's definitely way too slow for my tastes. The starting stats make everything feel too sluggish and the enemies don't spawn very fast, so I just got too impatient to continue past Wave 2 since I kept dying at it and it took forever to get back there.

I also don't know if the upgrades do much? I like having them there but the speed and faster shots only felt very subtly faster

It's a pretty good game, though! Just needs a bit of polish.

Really like the art style! Concept's pretty fun too, and I like the idea of trying to take as little attempts as possible.

As much as I like strategizing and trying to jump big gaps with the candy, I think it gets pretty repetitive quickly and the kid takes far too long to lose energy - which I guess is kinda accurate - The dash the kid can do also isn't telegraphed well and feels sudden.

The tutorial is also way too easy to get rid of by accident, so it's a bit too easy to go in completely blind.

Still, it's quite good overall! Definitely just needs a bit more stuff and some better polish.

Well, I like the concept, it's an interesting take on Papers, Please-style gameplay, but honestly it's very confusing and I didn't understand anything outside of the very basics. The graphics work for a very quick prototype, I guess.

I think the game as a whole could use a lot more clarification on what choices you have and what you should be doing, I got an event from the boss saying I should raise taxes, so I raised taxes... and then he told me the taxes were too high and took my money away.

It's quite rough but with a lot of work it could be quite good.

It's a pretty good concept but definitely falls apart on the execution.  The physics feels really buggy and the player is way too large and sluggish so moving around is annoying, combined with the lose effect hurting my eyes makes it extremely tough, and not in a good way.

I also didn't really understand what platforms were an instant loss and what platforms you can destroy with no issues. I think clearing that up would help the gameplay a lot.

Overall it's quite rough, but I can see it being a fun-but-hard platformer with a bit of work.

I love the concept and the graphics a lot! The glow effect and using the background as an outline colors is really great.

Unfortunately it's very tough to get your bearings because there's no "you are here" marker on the map - it's way too easy to get lost, and then have too much fire to deal with because it spreads way too fast. The lag doesn't help.

Overall still a pretty good game, just quite frustrating and needs a little polish.

Absolutely phenomenal presentation, minimalistic but quite well polished. The sound of the ball hitting the bat and the walls is perfection.

I will say there's not really much gameplay wise, though. It's pretty fun but not for that long. Personally I find it pretty good for maybe 2-3 sessions and then I got bored. The concept's also pretty generic, but it works well.

Very solid game overall though! Definitely an above average entry.

Thanks for reviewing! It is a pretty hard game, you're not the only one, haha.

Thank you so much! I've been getting a lot of comments comparing it to the Badeline segments in Celeste, but I was actually inspired by the Cosmic Clone levels in Super Mario Galaxy, hahaha.

Props to my composer for the music ;)

Pretty decent game! Graphics are fine, but could definitely use some effects like screen shake or lighting. Loved the getting stronger mechanic and buying stuff from the shop.

I think the biggest issue is that it's extremely tough. The flying enemies are way too fast and there's too little knockback, so they can kill you immediately even with  a bunch of upgrades.