i can't believe my caps worked either xDD i hope limbo line gets more exposure, your games are so good and they deserve it :D!! also, i just remembered that i recommended it to an irl friend as well!!
<3 Well, I hope that friend liked it if they ended up checking it out :3 Imagine if they did but they were just like, wtf is this shit? xD It's kinda weird cos none of my irl friends or family have ever played any of my games, haha. Well, my dad tried to play a tiny bit of Impostor, but the laptop was so old it couldn't really handle it x3 He said he wants to, but all he's got that he can play on is his iPad, and I still don't know how the heck to get builds working on mobile T_T Would really love to put one or two of em on Switch if I could! I don't know how though >.<