Very solid entry, I was sure that someone else would think about making an FPS game, but I didn't expect a GoldenEye 64 inspired one!
The graphics totally take you back to the 90's with the N64 low-res filtered textures and low-poly models. Good job! 😀
The aiming system feels a little weird at first (not the game's problem), but once you get it it feels good to use. It can be a bit clunky when you have 8 enemies in fron of you, but it's manageable nonetheless! The only problem that I encountered was that the cursor would go back to the center when I was aiming; I'm guessing that this was an intended design choice, but it was a little bit annoying to try to be accurate, specially at long distances.
Also, at some point I killed every enemy and I didn't know where to go or what did I have to do. I just kept walking around the empty base trying to open doors, but I couldn't find a way to continue 😔.
Other than that, very solid entry!