Great concept! It's amusing to have to sprint through fields of money to avoid overstuffing yourself, and the "long game" of how things accumulate is interesting. I wish more games would experiment with their inventory systems!
I got stuck after a few levels when it seemed like the key didn't spawn, but it's possible it (or a monster) was hiding behind a tree and I missed it when searching for it.
Some things that would be nice to see improved:
- Having sound effects for hitting & slaying monsters, as well as when drops appear. Aside from just feeling good, sound would help a lot when a monster is hidden behind a tree and you want to know if it's still been vanquished.
- Not having the swing direction reset to "up" when you stop holding a direction key would be nice. I tend to let go of the arrow keys to avoid bumping into the monsters, but the result here is that I often swing in the wrong direction and get bumped instead.
- Collision with the door to make the key open it feels a little finicky. Not huge, but it'd be nice if it were easier.
All in all, great work! I hope you keep trying out experimental concepts!