The absolute easiest way is to use cinemachine.
- Install Cinemachine from the Package Manager [in Unity registry]
- On your Main Camera add a Cinemachine Brain component
- Then from the Create menu > Cinemachine > Virtual Camera, it will come with a default name of something like CMVCam1, reset t's transforms
- If t didn't happen automatically, there should be a place on the Cinemachine Brain component of your main camera to link the virtual cam, link them
- On the virtual camera, under Follow, drag in the GameObject you want it to follow [i.e. the player] Under Body set it to Framing Transposer
- Play around with the camera settings until it looks good to you! [Camera Distance is a big one; Dead Zone width and height will change how quick the camera is to catch up to the follow object]
Hope that helps! :)