Pretty fun!
Did not really enjoy the controls. Well I mean, it controlled very well but the scheme was not great (to me at least). I'd rather play with my dominant hand when not doing something with the mouse. And I think using up to propel would have made more sense when flying like this. But maybe just having the arrow keys as alternative would have already fixed it for me.
The level design was very one dimensional. Having a bit more variety than just being saw blade galore would have been nice.
The cow hitbox didn't really feel too fair as it was very hard estimate how close to the blades I could get. Shrinking the hitbox would allow for more close calls and make it feel more like every death was deserved. Judging the hitboxes was mainly hard due the 2.5D nature of the game.
Nice to see some particle effects but they didn't really fit the style that well. Going for more stylized ones instead of just colored squares would have fit better. You should have also shut off the milk emitter after death, that just looked weird. Maybe just throw some blood and gore there instead. Would have made the failures "hurt" more instead of just showing a colorful fireworks. Could also throw in some screen shake there to even more drive the impact home.
And your saw blades were spinning the wrong direction. They're really meant to cut stuff with the edges, not repel them away with the blunt side. 😅 The blade physics colliders should probably really spin too so they'd react more naturally with the milk particles for example. Now the milk just was sitting on top.
Good job! 👍