Hi, aQuadin.
I got your reply, and I have a follow-up respond on the matter.
1. To clarify what I was talking about, I attached a picture of the character under a gray platform, and that anytime I try to make him jump onto it, he cannot land on such platform, no matter how long I hold down the button. Why can't the character jump high enough to land on the platform right above him?
2. The teleport won't work if your in a room with enemies, since you're banned from opening the map until all enemies are dead in a room, and if there was an enemy on the top right floor space next to the right door, it would create a softlock where I couldn't progress on the run because I can't get the character to jump up to that floor without upgrades to kill the last enemy, and I'm forced to go to the main menu to retry the run or go back to the surface. Did you forget about how you can't teleport out of rooms if enemies are present.
I think that should clear up what I wanted to state. I can't understand why the demo was made in a such as a way that jumping with the character can't reach gray platforms like the one in the below picture, and I can't continue playing the game if the character can't ever reach regular platforms in plain sight. Did you prehaps put them too high up that he can't reach them and/or not added a feature by default where pressing and holding the A button doesn't make you jump high enough to reach said platforms.
Let me know what you say and the matter, and have a nice day.