Nicely done.
This game was pretty challenging, which I'm guessing was your idea to play into the theme. It took me three tries before I got the hang of it and won.
Card games are super tough to pull off. That set of randomness is a balancing nightmare that really wants time and lots and lots of playtesting to pull off. But it looks like you were able to make a nice dent in it. The biggest improvements I could see would be focused on clarity. You've already got a lengthy tutorial and it's easy to forget things that you don't actively learn through gameplay, but I know a gameplay tutorial/walkthrough is asking a lot for a jam game. Card clarity then, such as all unique art and maybe effects that indicate where cards are going when they die or are used might help. For example, I didn't realize that units never come back once they die - meaning you have to really save each one carefully.
Tough game for sure. Well made considering the time we had to make stuff. Congrats on making your game. Keep making!