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Jared Devs

A member registered Feb 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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A tip for others who may be confused at the start: You have to pick up and drop the dough balls into the 'Place pizza here' area then walk into the 'submit pizza' button to sell. Overall this game was fun, made me remember how much I used to like Roblox tycoon games lol. I bought all the factory upgrades but wasn't able to get all the house upgrades. At max factory level like 2/3rds of the product falls onto the ground eventually breaking the physics system and endlessly launching you into the stratosphere. The piles of pizza and pepperonis that accumulate on the floor is pretty funny and adds to the chaos. However I do wish there was some way to more easily clean up all the items on the floor so I could fix it before it breaks the game lol.

Really cool game! Feels like there is a lot of content for a game jam game! I did have some problems clicking on the UI in browser (even after f11)., but it was still playable. I quite liked the pixel art as well, really great work overall!

Simple yet addicting game. The art and music is really nice too. It reminds me of the google doodle witch cat game. Great work, I played it longer than I probably should have lol.

Really awesome game! The mechanics are very cool and it is a lot of fun to play around with. I think my only point of feedback is its kind of unclear what is happening during combat, maybe a log of player and enemy attacks would help. But really this game is awesome and could defiantly be made into a full commercial game! Fantastic work!

Really really nice art. The character and her animations are so good. The mechanics and levels are quite fun as well! Overall really great work, some challenging parts for sure. I could totally see this being made into a full game!

Cool game, the visuals are neat and it feels polished. I do wish it were a little longer as it was pretty fun. Though I never really used the special attack because I felt I couldn't finish charging before getting attacked. But good work!

Nice game! really good pixel art and the level design is fun. the mechanics are simple yet well done. Good work.

Beat game with some nice polish. Some of the upgrades are pretty cool and running around to stay in the shadows is fun. Good work!

Really rad game. The art is super cool. Also the day / night switching mechanics and gun upgrades were quite cool. Swapping to night to bypass enemy armor but being swarmed is a pretty cool risk / reward. it's a shame there isn't any audio but I understand how it is in a jam lol. Really really good work! Also the revolver chamber art is just so cool.

Really awesome game! The mechanics and visuals are really great. The block puzzle mixed with roguelike is interesting and something I haven't seen before. It also felt quite polished! However after I won I hit stay but the menu did not close, and each time I hit it I lost Lux until It just said I lost. But other than that amazing work super cool!

Cool game! The art is quite cute (and creepy), I especially like all the cocktail designs.  Gameplay is fun yet hectic, especially towards the end of the level when the music speeds up. Good work!

Neat game! The mechanics are simple yet fun. The enemy AI is pretty easy to beat though. But the game has good polish as well. Godd work!

Cool game. It took me a little while to understand (and I'm still not sure if I do fully) but I beat the first encounter. The swarm mechanic is really interesting and unique. Also the visuals are great, I love the way the goo in the vial cards sloshes around. Nice work!

Really cool game! I have seen these kinda puzzle platformer drawing games before but the different element mixing is super awesome and takes it to another level. I love the different interactions between things and how many different elements there are. I think having to throw down your creations is a neat idea but it was a little buggy and somewhat frustrating at times. May be better if you could just pick where it goes. The art style and effects in this game are also really well done. Overall awesome work! I could totally see this becoming a full commercial game.

Heym I used your music in my submission to the pirate software game jam, thanks!

After playing a gain I think I got them all but correct me if I'm wrong:

Pistol: Does something on enemy kill.

F: Explode, I: Slow field, L: Lightning Bolt, M: Purple speed boost pickup

Rifle: Delayed effect when reloading with low/no ammo

Neutral: Damage stuff nearby, F: Damage stuff + explode, I: Slow things nearby, L: Lightning strike that chains, M: Gives player speed boost

And then there is a fire explode barrel and a lightning strike barrel

Holy S***. This might be the most impressive jam game I have ever seen. IDK how you made all this in 3 weeks! The element switching mechanic is really cool once you get the hang of it. The movement and controls all feel great as well. And the visuals are incredible. Great art style and so many cool effects. The effects are defiantly overpowering sometimes but I don't even mind because it looks so cool. 

Also does each element type have a unique effect? It seems like they do sometimes I would notice lightning bolts, frost areas, or like a purple cube I could pick up that I think made me faster?

Overall amazing job! 5s across the board.

Really cool game! The visuals are really awesome and there is a lot of good feedback and juice. It was defiantly quite hard but I enjoyed it. Good work.

Interesting mechanics though I do wish the level design encouraged switching letters more. If feels like for the most part you can just beat the level staying as one letter. Nice work overall though!

Really awesome game! I quite like the mechanics and how it feels like there are multiple ways to solve a level. The art style was nice also. Really great work it was a lot of fun!

Really great take on the theme lol! I like the way the game scales in difficulty as you progress. I kept dropping ice-cream on the ground because I wouldnt go far enough with the mouse. Also the ice cream sound is a litte too, squishy and wet sounding imo. But overall great work!

Was defiantly not expecting that twist lol. Unique game and I really like the theme and artstyle. Great work!

Cool game, it reminds me a lot of hades. The art is fantastic,  I love the enemy and player models. The controls are a bit frustrating and I think the game could use more player feedback in some parts. Overall though good work!

Cool game! reminds me a lot of ultimate chicken horse. Switching between build and platforming mode is neat! Would be cool to see more buildables / mechanics in build mode. Good work!

Short but good game. The dialogue is funny and the art is quite good. Nice work!

Simple but fun game! I really like how the gun stays in the direction you pick it up with, makes for some unique strategy. Nice work!

Fish mode. It's fishmode. Look at that fish. Funny game! I enjoyed it. Now if only the itch page was in dark mode...

Love the style and theme of this game lol. The game is fun and the old school style is really nice. Great work!

Fun game, I quite like all the different modes, some of them are very unique! The art is very cute as well. Oh and also I like the way the game blends in with the itch page. Good work!

Very cute game, I love the art. The dynamic of hunted becoming hunter is cool as well. Nice job!

Super awesome game! I played it all the way through and really liked it. The mechanic of swapping between first person and text is really unique and I like the way it was used for the puzzles. Great work one of my favorites!

Cool puzzle game with a neat mechanic. Its fun trying to manipulate objects by influencing them with your gravitational pull.  Unique idea and well executed!

Fun shmup style game with some cool visuals.  Controls feel tight and intuitive as well. Good work!

Really cool game! love the mechanics very unique. the art is great also. NIce wrok!

Yes I am aware that text tutorials are not great. But in a game jam it was all we had time for. Thanks for playing!

My highscore is 398,100 lol. But another team member got 519,900. Glad you liked it thanks for playing!

Oh yes I would like to know.

Not bad for second ever game. Though it was 90% cutscene the cutscene was good! Keep at the game dev and hope you did well on your finals, or good luck on them.