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Finally found time to play your game. Interesting concept, but it took me solid 10 minutes to really understand how to play the game. After that it was quite easy to finish. It just took forever because the movement is a little to slow, as already mentioned by others. Also the aiming was a little problem because falling "off" is way too easy.

According to your game mechanics. I don't really understand the need of running around on the planet and clicking on the flower. It basically doesn't add any challenge to the game. It just makes the game longer for no reason and a little annoying.

Maybe add a little variety to your planets.

Some more sound effects would have also been nice, but there isn't much going on which could need sound.

But overall nice game idea. Would love to see what you could make out of this in the future ;)


Thank you! I agree with you like i said to some other, it's too slow, the game pace isn't good at all. There's no need for the flower, i just imagined it like that originally but after submitting it, I was told i should have made it so that you only need to click F while on the planet. You (and him) are surely right and i will do that after the rating phase ends. 

Yup, more variety would be nice. Some sounds effects too, but those last two i just didn't have the time to do.

I will polish the game a little bit but I don't intend on working too much more on it, I will make eventually another game that revolves around a similar concept, and I've learned with the mistakes i've made in this one, and am looking to making new stuff :)

Thank you for playing the game until the end :) and thank you for the feedback :)