Thank you for the kind words! I implemented the "character roll" as a recurring feature (it only happened once in the first version of the game) after I had some colleagues read the instruction manual and give me feedback. So, admittedly I cannot take full credit for that improvement :)
The game was played after the students have had two lectures on distributive justice, the first one on Rawls and Nozick and the second one on desert, luck egalitarianism and the value of equality. By that time, I think the students were quite indecisive on which theory they sympathized with, so I thought it would be a good idea for them to test the theories "in practice" to help them get, if not a better then a different, understanding of the implications of the distributional patterns / procedures of the theories presented to them.
My impression is that most students in Sweden are quite sympathetic to Rawls' theory since the Swedish "distributional model" is quite similar to many ideas presented in ToJ. However, to my surprise, as soon as the students played the game, most of them seemed to be more desertist or Nozickean in their thinking.