- I like the sound of the garden. Could be a good way to diversify active income gaining methods, rather than spamming photo shoots over and over. And I like the idea that I could roleplay the manager as someone that doesn't want his gfs' nudes all over the internet, and still make decent money.
- On the phone, I think my ideal for this kind of addition would be an interface that tells the player who's available and where, as well as maybe a call/text function for extra dialogue based on current story events. And more nudes are, of course, always welcome.
- I think the game has a story and characters that can stand on their own without being all about sex. My only real issue with the sfw proposal would be the sheer scope of such an undertaking vs the benefits of the addition. I might be down with RP-ing manager as less of a horndog, but IDK that enough other people would be interested. Maybe it wouldn't actually be that big a deal to implement? Idk, I've got no clue what development is like.
- I thought that what was available to explore in the recent update was neat, I'd welcome more. Maybe it could unlock new date spots, or be integrated into character stories? Though I imagine that second idea might be more complicated to implement than its worth. But I imagine exploring the slums with Ashley, for example, being a more active undertaking.
- I'd welcome special holiday events. I mean more content is always nice. I have reservations about having a set calendar though. I think the 'time bubble'-esque nature of progression is preferable with the sheer size of the cast.
-TBH, having everything in the gallery is one of my most anticipated additions. I couldn't tell ya how many saves I have, but its a lot and they're a mess.
Thanks for all the work you put in.