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A member registered Dec 28, 2021

Recent community posts

Still weird, but I accept your reasoning.  :P

Kana should be right where you left her.  On Annie's farm.  I'm guessing you may not actually be completely caught up, though, if you're asking that question.  

Hmm, I already Subscribe, but yet I wait for the public release to play new versions and I don't bother with the extra goodies.

I think that's what you call a sucker. XD

Sorry, Arc, but I turned the voice volume well down.  Left the clock volume all the way up, though, as a notice that the game was actually doing something. >_>

The characters blinking made me think of Fallout 1 talking heads, for whatever reason.  

It was a bit surprising when I woke up at 11:30 in the morning, but I suppose the game just does a solid 8 hours of sleep. >_>  I guess just because *I* live on 3 hours a day doesn't mean Robin does. <_<  I'll try not to push the time to 3:30 in the morning before sleeping anymore. game.

Kana's reunion with her mother was very satisfying.  I'm glad I didn't shatter her. ^_^  Though I'm sure everyone is happy with their own choice.

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I enjoyed clicking on the buttons and seeing what they did.  The person who made them must be a genius.  And very handsome. :P

The Test Time Change was a bit bugged, though.  When I added 10 or 30 minutes, starting at 5:00 AM, it suddenly was Night, even though the time was still 5:10 AM or 5:30 AM.  When I added one hour or three hours, it was properly still morning.  Weird.

Wait, there are people who don't like Lena?

Inconceivable! D:

I am confused as all get out, but I'm happy I found you again. 

Yes, I certainly AM amazing, aren't I?  Hmmhmm!

...but you're pretty great, too, I guess.  ;)  Congratulations, both on surviving five years, and on the highly enjoyable game you've crafted in that time!   

Now get back in there and bring me back my minotaur waifu!  (Kana too... >_> )

*shakes fist*  Accursed day-star! D:<

I'll see your nerf guns and raise you my airsoft arsenal. :P

Surprisingly, yes.

...NAUGHTY cannibals, you say? ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)

There's no doubt redheads are hot, but... personally, they're not my favorite.  I'll keep voting for hair choice A until the cows come home.

For the top, I'd have to go C or F.  Slight advantage to C, perhaps, but then C already "exists" on the title menu, so it holds a place in my heart.  F is quite lovely, but it doesn't feel like home.

 B could certainly work with a different pattern or coloration... as it stands right now I think it just looks weird, but that's mostly down to how the "texture" appears because of the pattern and color.  It could B (haha) a very good option if it looked a bit less like her boobs were resting on cheesecloth. :/

Not looking for another A or E top option, and D... forgive me, but I'm going to try to forget you offered that one. >_>

*sigh*  But I suppose I should go cast an official vote, along with the bottoms and other bits, shouldn't I?

Is your stalking us still a secret when you've come right out and told us about it? :/

That is not something I want to think that hard about, but... between animals, the times I've taken care of sick people, years of looking after my aging parents, interacting with young children - who are not nearly as fun in real life as they are in fiction - and a few mishaps, it... it's a depressingly large number.

Never in my life have I been so happy to have touched poop. :|

NOTE: I am altering the deal.  Pray I don't alter it any further.


I wait eagerly for these every week just hoping to hear about progress on your court cases. :(

Stay strong, man! 

You know, I've heard rumors that there are a lot of other goddesses out there... if Bastet's not up to the task, maybe we could be introduced to another (out of work?) harvest goddess with a convenient Machina?  I'm good with whatever solution, I just want to farm more. :P

Also, I just have to ask how... HOW do people not love Isabella?  Her inherent lovability level is practically off the charts!

Hey, if there's one thing I'm always up for, it's providing Bastet with more energy. ;)

Sorry, this is going to be WAY too long, again. XD

My favorite quest notification: Where's my cat?  I ask myself this every time I wake up. :P  The whole cat quest was great.  Bastet is right about one thing: it's physically impossible not to love her.  However, it's ALSO physically impossible not to love my cat. ;)

Apparently my perversity knows no bounds. ^_^;  I definitely want to be able to take the girls out in my truck regularly.  We need to set up a selection screen where I can choose 1-3 characters to take on a moonlight drive.  Maybe limit it to only on the weekends?  

Can I just say, Patricia is THE BEST.  I fully understand why Aurora might have a few problems with it, but I am yearning for some more Patricia content.  Doesn't have to be anything perverted, she doesn't have to be a cow or a lover... yet... I just want some more chances to spend time with her.  And maybe get some more seeds from random fruits and vegetables that she murders with her car. XD

The little animations for Angelina were great!  I was really loving visiting her, just to see what cute thing she was doing next.  Also, that outfit was SUPERB.  I got disappointed every time she changed back into her normal one. >_<

The developments with Tania were... much more tame than I expected.  Honestly, I 10,000,000,000% expected it to be a trap.  I'm still not entirely convinced that it isn't, and every time Andrew gives her important information I wince a little bit. :|  But so far it's been a pleasant surprise.  I am definitely looking forward to finding ways to increase our per-cow milk production.  The advanced position is a good start, but I want those 100+ liter cows she was talking about to be JEALOUS of my cows. ;)  For, umm... the profit.  Yes.  Definitely the money and not my dream of an Olympic-sized swimming pool filled with my cows' milk every day any other reason. >_>  *cough*

Oh my God the developments with Isabella were wonderful. ^_^  The "reward," the "payment," the New Years party, and the help with Bastet were all amazing, of course, but I absolutely adored every time we interacted this update.  The casual conversations with her brought the BIGGEST smile to my face.  I love seeing her talk excitedly about things.

I still say we are desperately in need of a second plot of land to grow produce with.  I said it last time, but Bastet needs to give in already and let me plant my seeds in her fertile soul. ;)  Ideally I'd like at least 3 plots of land for growing; our normal land and then two in Bastet's domain, but of course not all at once.  Unlock one first, then the other later.  Slap me for being a pervert and call me Andrew, but I want to spend more time and energy on farming, dangit!  Then we can REALLY show Riley who's boss!  I know the game is all about our dairy cows, and I am HERE FOR IT... but I also want to be able to plow and fertilize more fields. <_<

While I do prefer getting hands-on myself, I also very much enjoyed when Bianca tried her hand at milking.  Could go for some more of that. ;)  On the topic of other people doing the milking, Charlene milking Andrew into her coffee, and Marian milking herself into Andrew's coffee?  Both top tier!  Definitely could go with those being repeatable options.

Still wishing for some more options to interact with my cows inside Bastet's domain.  More than just the milking.  One-off events are great, but I want more repeatable interactions.  Also, it always makes me happy to see my cows getting along - I'd appreciate some more events focused around them just hanging out (both as regular humans in the regular world and as cows in the domain).  

My one real complaint here?  I wanted to spend time with my daughter. :(  I know this update was focused on other areas, and frankly, we got a LOT of great content!  I just... wanted to play with my daughter. :(  Until there is more solid content developed for child interaction, it can be something really simple: you know how I can now pet my adorable cat in the mornings for 1 energy?  Let me also spend time with my adorable daughter for 1 energy.  Read her a story.  Play with her toys (OOOH!  LET ME BUY HER THINGS! :D ).  Run around outside.  Whatever, like I said, it doesn't have to be story content.  Just let me dote on her every day in exchange for an energy.  I'll gladly get early-onset diabetes from eating 40 slices of pumpkin pie a day if it means I can play with my daughter.  Same applies to all my MANY future children. :P 

Also, now that we've met the human who has a contract with our thigh goddess... that is a huge and terrifying development. The end of the update was very good in many different ways, and I am as eager for more of the story as I am for more cows!  I feel like I might fall into enough despair to see a Goddess myself just waiting for the next update to come out! :P

"Improved sprite fidelity"

Is that the same is decreasing sprite infidelity? :P

Yona and Blair swimsuits: eh.  Sure.

More Yona and Blair content in general: HELL YES.

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First thing I did was go sit with Kana along with Haru, our daughter.  Dangit... T_T

Then I went to do the fight, and couldn't figure out how to change my frontline and backline fighters or change skills.  >_<  My brain completely reverted back to the previous combat style.  One too many of Lyx's morning experiments, perhaps? XD

Once I got my head on straight, it was a simple affair with an AWESOME reward.  Seriously, their naughty event... that is something of a fetish of mine. >///<

What does their special ability do?  They out-rolled me a couple times, but nothing ever seemed to activate???

This... might not be possible, or at least not practical, with Unity, I have no experience with the engine from the coding side of things.  But just in case, a small request: it would be very helpful if we could see how many of each item in a shop we currently owned.  Perhaps when you mouse-over an item, the info box could also list the number of them in your inventory?  Particularly when I'm browsing the furniture store it would be nice to be able to see which of the available stock I needed to top up on.

If nothing else, just adding a few more tabs in our inventory Sack next to Consumables and Key Items that listed these things would at least allow us to manually check more easily.

Hmm, we still get the dialogue saying that Vera's loyalty increased and we can "now" order her to tend the bar in her free time (after she was caught daydreaming about "servicing" Jay again)... but... she was already doing that?  I had the option to give her that Order quite a while ago.  I don't recall exactly, but I THINK it was after I gave her the books?  Or somewhere around there.  In any case, she's been tending the bar on auto for a good long while before that popped up.

Was that flag erroneously triggered too early, or is the loyalty increase notification now obsolete?

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Is the Capacity part of the room-building working, or is it operating on the honor system? <_<

Right now it doesn't seem to actually limit what I can put in a room.  I have several rooms that seem to be well above Capacity.  Is it supposed to stop me from placing items that would exceed capacity, or is it just a rough visual indicator of how much stuff I "should" put in a room?

Hmmm... might not be added in yet, or maybe I'm just overlooking something obvious.  Is there a way to interact with my short-term guests?  I can see them in the rooms, but don't see a way of talking to them.  

Not that I expect any "story" content to be added for them, they're transient.  I'd just like a way to say hello, ask them about their stay, get some feedback about the rooms and the bar, have sex with the cute tiger lady, maybe hear news from other parts of the world, possibly even see if one has some random item they'd sell or trade.  Haha, I know that's probably asking for a lot, just putting it out there.

Still reacquainting myself with the game after the rebuild, but it's going smoothly so far!

Keiko is very good at distracting me...

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"Shika's... content [is] equivalent to a normal new version!"

...are you calling Shika fat!? :P

Some complex poses, eh?  I'll be looking forward to that. ;)

Jokes on you, I'm into that shit.

Talk to Claire to unlock access to the East side of the map, then you can visit the shops.  She'll tell you about a secret access tunnel.

For certain definitions of "fine."

If the attorney or the judge says anything you don't agree with, just remember to stand up, point at them, and shout "OBJECTION!"  

...actually, probably don't do that. XD

" Todays render is Jackie in the lobby of the university."  ...with the spanner???

Or is Jackie more of a candlestick kind of girl? >_>

Do you have enough Ichor to afford an elixir?  Might need to find some (search around the bridge).

As for the locations after the bridge... did you talk to Claire?

This update is just more proof that Lyx is the greatest goblin ever.  And I have met a LOT of goblins throughout my life.  

"...location links are clearer and less squiggly"  What?  Who wanted that?  MORE SQUIGGLES! 

Claire blushing was pretty darn great, but the best face was definitely Lyx in the flying bar.  

So convincing!  

Very trustworthy!

Much reassuring!


Did you already welcome her into the manor?  She's in her room in the West Hallway. 

First there was breakfast, then second breakfast, but now there's a pre-breakfast!?  This is getting out of hand.