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(1 edit) (+1)

Works very well as a demo, though the game should explain the controls. I was confused when I was able to move with arrow keys but there was no jump in the up arrow. It also took a while to figure out how to eat things and that you can adjust your jump height by pressing down the jump button.

Simple yet great graphics. Sometimes funny (the PC guy), sometimes gory (your kin having been massacred on spikes). I got stuck in the part where you have to cross the spikes with the bodies, I just couldn't move them around that much and wasn't sure what the spike hitboxes were. Not sure if that was supposed to be your end as well lol.

I couldn't see any metroidvania elements so far, there were just linear puzzle solving sections.

Great thanks for your feedback! I'll remove the arrow controls and add a small hint how to eat objects. Also I'll make spike hitboxes a bit smaller.

About metroidvania, I didn't have enough time to make a system for moving between levels like in metroidvania. I think in the future I will add something that will add new abilities to the player during the game, like in metroidvania, but i don't know about levels