Thank you :)
Thanks for the review, friend! :3
Funny story about the technical issues... it was literally 50 seconds before the deadline, I had to submit the build without a final check! It was also 6:59 AM on a Monday, so I just crossed my fingers hoping that I left no bugs while adding final touches... turns out, I did!
Мне понравились рисунки, модели и забавный сюжет. Видно, что игру делали творческие люди :)
Есть всего два минуса по геймплею: тыква стреляет только при точном попадании в хитбокс противника, который не всегда совпадает с моделями. Из-за этого тыква иногда не стреляет, когда должна. Также у стрельбы очень медленная перезарядка - противник уже подошёл, а у меня физически нет возможности его убить. Ощущается нечестно)
Just want to note the character controller. He's probably the best I've ever seen at this jam. You can adjust the height of the jump, there is a coyote time, a wall jump and many more details that make it feel good.
There are also some points with the level design. I just didn’t understand a couple of times how to get out of some hole and go further. Probably needs more intuition in design
But anyway game feels amazing. Great job!
I walked around the level for five minutes. I went to the left, to the right, but did not find anything. There are weapons in the game, it is not clear who to shoot at and there are no signs that would show where to go. And it also seemed strange to me that shooting is controlled by the mouse, although you can only shoot in two directions. I think it's pointless.
Great thanks for your feedback! I'll remove the arrow controls and add a small hint how to eat objects. Also I'll make spike hitboxes a bit smaller.
About metroidvania, I didn't have enough time to make a system for moving between levels like in metroidvania. I think in the future I will add something that will add new abilities to the player during the game, like in metroidvania, but i don't know about levels