Hey! I knew I recognized your style from back when you made Vanya last year! Nice to see you again haha.
This was a pretty enjoyable experience, in large part due to the atmosphere and presentation. It was a bit surreal and very funky, and just a lot of good visual humor going on, so good job!
The golden disks had a bad habit of blending into the background for my eyes, so I was having some trouble hunting down the last few, but a color change or a darker background would probably help with that.
The controls are a bit floaty, the platforming doesn't feel like it has a lot of weight to it, but it works here
I would personally suggest that as you gain more abilities you map them to different buttons instead of having to switch to them, but this particular game didn't have spots where you needed to use combinations or quickly switch so I think it's fine here.
I was a bit confused as to why space was attack when it could have been jump instead, haha. That's a pretty non standard control scheme overall.
But yeah, good job!