Very cool game!! The concept is really rich and full of potential. Watching the city evolve was at the same time satisfying and threatening, which is a very rare sensation in video games haha ^^'
I managed to win, I think very very close to losing?
Strangely it reminded me of my own game because the gameplay is quite similar : phases of automatic action with decisions to take in between ^^'
A few remarks :
> I think with more gamefeel (camera controls, people walking down the streets, seeing workers do their things, etc) it would be really fascinating to watch the city evolve.
→ I would also need a bit more info on what is the current game state. Like : current estimate of how much time is remaining for the construction, a preview of how my suspiscion gauge will change according to the hovered card, etc.
Though that's all nitpicking given the short time of the jam !
Congrats on your game, it is very unique!! 5/5 innovation :D