I really like your art style. However, there is much room to improve on after the jam.
- Your movement is really inconsistent and unresponsive. I'd have to hit the up key several times before I would actually jump. Walk speed is really slow compared to your run speed. Jumps also seem to only carry the x velocity of the run speed only. So if I'm walking and then jump, the character is flying all of the sudden. Its pretty jarring from a player's perspective. I think this is the most important thing to work on after the jam. Even if its just simple movement (no wall jumps, dashing, etc), you should be consistent with it.
- After you've worked on the player, I would start thinking about how you give feedback to the player. Like clearly communicating that the player is taking damage. You have a screen shake, but it too was a little jarring. I also think screen shake in general doesn't work for your art style. Knockback with a sound and a hurt animation would be great.
- Your game is missing music, which isn't technically a bad thing (it can work for certain games), but without any other sounds, it makes it harder for your game to capture a player's attention. Grabbing a CC0 track from opengameart would be completely fine if you don't have time or the skills to make your own music.
Overall, there's a lot of work to be done. But its a starting point and I hope my feedback can help your continued work on it.