Cool game!
Some odd behavior on the silver upgrades (like "increase B for every A bought"), sometimes buying it will make the total coins/sec go down, not up.
Would also be nice to have certain things more explicit
- amount of time per temporal buff (and time remaining in the active buff),
- more specific upgrade / boost specs instead of just e.g. "increase building B production" (and sometimes it does say e.g. 1% but then the outcome seems to be way more than 1%, or sometimes it'd be a negative outcome as mentioned above, so the calculation isn't clear)
- if an upgrade isn't available yet, an explanation of why (e.g. need X number of houses first)
- also side note, sometimes the upgrade description seemed off, e.g. talking about mines/sanctuaries when there are no "mines" or "sanctuaries" in the game, but clicking the upgrade still has a positive effect on the coins/sec
But yeah cool game. Played through till I had > 100 town halls.