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(1 edit)

Done quite well within the submission time! Nice job putting in some polish into effects, I like that when you kill enemies they turn into chunks of red. The WebGL canvas is set oddly, it's width should be smaller and you shouldn't need to use itch's fullscreen if properly set as you can use the other button automatically there. If you were to update the game, look into having the sprites move more smoothly as rn there's a lot of jitter, the camera is smoothed out nice though :) Ammo being a bar as it is now is a bit strange for shooting bullet sprites, I'd much prefer an alternative that shows a numerical amount better, same goes for health, I'd prefer something like hearts, and health where it only takes something like 3 hits to die so I can make use of souls more often. Very good project to build upon, lots you can do with it, it's interesting that it's a dungeon crawler type with more of a space shooter movement type, I'd lean into it more and see what you can come up with.