This is a cute game! I had a lot of trouble with progressing though. I made it to a rock boss with two legs but I couldn't manage to do anything? My best guess is that I needed to push the crystal under him but when I went over to get it I only pushed it into the wall and couldn't get it out to do anything. The game also crashed on me on another run, see below.
I love the character, he has cute animations and I like the sound choices. The intro where you have to break free is also a really fun touch!
The enemies felt a bit mean at times, the missile ones in particular are hard to dodge. I did die to the beartrap enemies a lot but that one was definitely on me lol.
The light beam stuff is pretty creative, would love to see how far that can go.
I got the game-crashing error trying to go to one of the right corridors at the beginning:
############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object music: Unable to find any instance for object index '10' name 'game_control' at gml_RoomCC_CrystalCaveTube_4_Create ############################################################################################ gml_RoomCC_CrystalCaveTube_4_Create (line -1)Cool game though!