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Here it is, my theories and thoughts on Chapter 2! This one took me a while, but I hope I cover almost everything that I wanted, aside from things like the Gnosis process. This post covers everything in Chapter 2 up to the current version, Nerus 0.10.2. I don’t plan on making big posts like these anymore unless I think it is necessary, but I plan to post things that I think are interesting in smaller formats.


In the egg menu, we are given up to 9 different memories to watch, slowly unlocking new memories by continuing the story. Labeling them from bottom to top, left to right, the current memories available are Obli 1, Obli 2, Bitey 1, Alessia 1, Aloys 1, Bitey 2, Alessia 2, Aloys 2, and Milkshake. I’ll be going through the memories in the order listed above and only talking about the memories themselves, plus some theories to go with them if applied.

But before that, I will like to discuss some things that I find interesting or just plain weird in the context of the story.

The first one is these intermissions.


What’s weird about them is that these intermissions only appear in the Prologue and Chapter 2, Obli 1. They don’t appear in Alessia, Bitey, and Aloys' stories once, but only in Neru and Shax/Obli’s stories. I can’t find a real reason why this happens or what these intermissions say about the story, but it would seem that Roddorod has intentionally done this for a reason. (Other than story reason, it can also hide some sort of secret with a way to trigger it.)

The second one is the way the story uses different perspectives. Thanks to Arden_Arteles for bringing this topic up, the story uses two different perspectives: the first and third-person perspectives. It’s strange enough that there are two different perspectives, especially in how the story is structured, but what makes it weird is when they are getting used. When talking about the memories, in particular, the only time they used the first-person perspective is in the Prologue and Chapter 2, Obli 1. Only when Neru and Shax/Obli are present and are the main focus does it use the first-person perspective, while the rest of the memories use the third-person perspective. This switch of perspectives is important when discussing the burned man, but for now, keep it in mind.

-Obli 1


What’s so interesting about this quote is the implication that a soul from a descendant can easily be changed into a mortal soul. This can also be said for a shapeshifter's soul, making it seem that both souls are closer to a mortal's soul than I initially realized.


Oceros is trying to prevent any changes from happening to the original descendant, trying to preserve everything they once were. However, based on what Obli has said about Oceros, it could be possible that he had lied to Lucusti about not being able to prevent memory loss. If this is the case, it brings out this question: why did Oceros bother to remove the memories from the descendent?

The first thing that comes to mind is that Oceros don’t want the descendant to turn against them, and removing the memories from the descendant when they were a shapeshifter would remove all chance of sympathy they would have towards them. Yet, when Obli turned back into a descendant and even had a Great shapeshifter turn his alliance, Oceros is unhappy or even mad towards Obli. Although this can be one of the reasons why Oceros has their memory removed, it isn’t the main reason he had the memories erased.

Another thing that comes to mind is that Oceros didn't want the descendant to find out about the truth of the process itself. Maybe when a descendant 'dies' and is in the process of being reincarnated back into a shapeshifter, they would find something that Oceros doesn’t want them to know. It is hard to say what that is they would get to know when they get reincarnated, but it is something that Oceros doesn't want them to find out.


Three ideas come to mind to explain the creation of the spell and why Oceros wants to hide it.

Possibly, Oceros got forced to make a quick decision to save the descendants that were damaged in the first war, not having a choice but to agree with any condition Nomino had laid out. If any other descendant or shapeshifter heard what Oceros has done, many will determine that Oceros is a weak leader, making the descendants overall look weak. Descendants who found out this truth would not trust Oceros anymore, either dividing up the descendants or making another group that doesn’t have Oceros involved.

Another idea is that Oceros and Nomino were planning this spell in advance, making it seem that Oceros also has some involvement with the first and second Wars. The reason can vary if this was the case, but the main reason why Oceros will do this is to protect the descendants' future. (It’s possible that by colluding with Nomino, the descendants will have a better future than if they didn’t.)

It is possible that someone else made the spell, and Nomino has little to no involvement with it. It could be possible but unlikely since the spell itself also involves shapeshifters. 

C56 & 57


Why are there now blessed humans? Ever since the first War, it would seem that the descendants were fully in contact with humans by showing up as descendants and helping them, so what’s the point of blessing humans with different appearances? I find the idea of blessing humans not beneficial for the descendants because it allows shapeshifters who are not good with transformation, like Neru, the ability to invade Earth easily. (Maybe it’s to show good faith with humans, but I would think that the miracles from the Archons would be enough to satisfy humanity.)


The quote could explain why the descendant has to intervene with humanity’s technology since, in Aloys 2, Aloys comments that humanity was slowly going towards its destruction because of the technology they created. But I find no reason why the descendants are trying to prevent humanity from their destruction in the first place. 

One idea is that the descendants want to protect humanity, so fewer people go through the gnosis process. Yet, the memory in Obli 2 shows that other lifeforms in the universe seem to be getting neglected, so why would you have 7 archons reside to protect Earth and not spread them out to help every lifeform in Demiurge's domain? 

Another idea is that they wanted to protect Earth because of the teleportation device. Both wars started because the shapeshifters wanted to use the teleportation device for their interests. So having more than one archon protecting the teleportation device would make it impossible to be hijacked. The reason why the archons are on Earth can’t be this for the simple fact that there is more than one teleporter in Demiurge’s domain, and they have all been destroyed. (This also doesn’t address the reason why the descendent doesn’t want to destroy humanity. It is shown that humanity is easily influenced based on how archons were able to get them under control, so it’s reasonable to think that the shapeshifters could also do the same, which they are doing right now by fixing the teleporters.)

C59 & C60


Why do the shapeshifters want to destroy the world and themselves? The only possible answer to this could be because of something like the gnosis process or even Nomino’s teaching, but this doesn’t seem to apply to every shapeshifter. Neru, Shax, and Servos don’t seem to display the same kind of destruction that other shapeshifters have.


The aeon moving in the 'teleportation realm' make it seem there is a connection between the ‘teleportation realm’ and the aeons in some way. (Maybe Obli is actually traveling a void version of Demiurge's domain while using his transportation magic,  allowing the aeon to have the ability to travel to Obli tries to teleport away.


This is quite a different reaction compared to what Alessia sees. The death of an aeon, a being made out of souls, makes it seem that a soul disappearing is more elegant, but Chapter 1 shows otherwise. Maybe it is because the mortal souls are somehow ‘worst’ than that of an aeon, or that those mortal souls in Chapter 1 were going through the gnosis process. (This is unlikely, however, since most people who died in Chapter 1 didn’t turn into an abomination like Diego.)


I find this quote quite strange since it implies the expectation of the Herald. Maybe there were other Heralds before Obli, or Nomino is comparing the future version of Obli to who he was during the memory.


Nomino changing the way he speaks compared to how he sounds before makes this quote so fascinating. This could imply that the character we know as Nomino is just an act they do when interacting with the shapeshifters, or this could be another person talking through Nomino.


I always find this quote interesting, not only saying that Nomino resembles more of an aeon than other shapeshifters but also saying that everyone born in Demiurge's realm is great because of the ability to take. This seems to have some relevance to Alessia’s dream, so this could be a foreshadowing of what is to come.


Based on what Obli has said in Chapters 1 and 2, it would seem that Obli has forsaken the idea of saving the life of mortals. Instead, he is willing now to sacrifice them to bring back Neru and to help the Demiurge.

Sidenote, it is also strange how Obli said ‘we’ in this context.

-Obli 2


What I find really interesting is the connection between Nomino and Oceros. As talked about before, these two seem to have some sort of connection that we don’t know. 

The only thing that Nomino shows resentment towards is the Aeons themselves. In the prologue, During Nomino’s rambles towards Shax, he resents the aeon because they try to control God. 

Oceros has shown to distrust many people in the story. Oceros distrust Obli, the descendants, Nomino, and the shapeshifters. It is also possible that he even distrusts the Demiurge. Even with these possibilities, it’s hard to say how any of it correlates with Nomino’s resentment against the aeons. 


It would seem that Obli has always been on a set path dictated by fate, yet it also might be possible that Obli has chosen to walk down this road. (Maybe the events of The Redd Manor can show more insight into this?)

C69 (nice)

The creation of mortals. Although, it makes me wonder whether the Demiurge went to different planets to give life or the space monster somehow found a way to spread life throughout the universe.


Who can this be? 

Thinking about the characters, I couldn't really say who this person is. Although Nomino fits the bill of being a person Obli wouldn’t like to encounter, I wouldn’t think Nomino would just stumble his way to find the Demiurge since he seems to know everything in advance. Noch wouldn’t make sense either since they wouldn’t just ‘stumble’ to find the Demiurge either.

The other characters wouldn’t make sense, so it could only be a character we haven’t met so far in the story.


Why did Noch write this? 

There is only two interpretation I can think of to explain the letter. Either Noch really wants to kill the Demiurge, or Noch wants to ‘kill’ the Demiurge by freeing him from his responsibility of protecting the creation he made. 

Yet I find it hard to believe that Obli would follow the instruction to help to end Demiurge's life since he also wants to save him. (Maybe Obli wanted to go with the plan so that he could stop it, or Noch just wanted to bait Obli to meet up with him.)

-Bitey 1


This one strikes as odd since that would imply that Rel’s family is nearly as powerful/influential as Bitey’s family. (Why would Bitey’s family, a family with so much power, go on a joint vacation with Rel’s family unless they are powerful themself?)


This seems quite strange to put in here. Who is the person who attacks Bitey? Based on Bitey's intuition, it wouldn't seem to be people based on his job, so it has to be something else. (Possibly could relate to Rell or his family business?)


Traveling around? 

If they are traveling around for pleasure, it doesn’t make sense for Rel to bring David, Angela, and Gabriel and leave Alessia behind. According to Bitey, it would seem that Rel would still be a detective, so it would make sense for him to travel around for that reason. It also wouldn’t be far fetch for Rel to be solving a mystery regarding Gabriel’s business, making sense for David, Angela, and Gabriel to come with his travels.


This is quite a strange thing to have. Bitey’s comment could imply that there is a hidden room that Angela was in, or it could be that someone else was inside the house other than Alessia and Angela. 

C76 + C76bish


Who was this person that Angela mentioned? The only person with yellow eyes is Noch, but I find it hard to believe that Noch would visit Angela since he can’t leave his island. This quote also might show signs that Angela was abusive towards Alessia, but strangely, Alessia never brought this up. (Maybe it is too touchy for Alessia to put down even in her diary.)

(These two events might be connected, but there is no evidence to suggest this, i.e., someone went to Angela because Alessia was getting abused by her.)

-Alessia’s Diary 1


The person Alessia was referring to is similar to Nomino, yet, Nomino doesn’t have any of those colors. Maybe there are other beings like Nominos in the universe other than Nomino himself?

-Aloys 1


This reaction is similar to how Alessia reacted in Chapter 1. It might imply that Alessia is somehow similar to Aloys in some way.

-Bitey 2
[Bitey’s discussion with the policeman.]

There is something strange happening with Alessia’s family. Maybe the family business is to help fix the teleporter? Also, who is the shapeshifter who is imitating David? This couldn’t be Obli since Noch didn’t mention him when telling the information to Aloys in Aloys 2. So could it be possible that another shapeshifter would play a big role in the story?

-Alessia Diary 2


It would seem that Rel and Angela's relationship with Rell wasn’t going well. 


-Aloys 2

C80 &C81

It is not just reverse magic, but it is more like ‘if Aloys didn’t go to the mountain to see if Noch’ possibility has become reality. Simply put, I think the power that Noch used in the quote and other instances is more akin to making any events that could happen become what actually happens. (Or maybe just the ability to move things very quickly.)


Since eyes are a window to someone’s soul, Noch is implying that Aloys' soul is similar to that of a voidborn might have. 


This sequence is similar to Alessia's dream but without the eyes. This possibly implies that the ‘nun’ in Alessia’s dream could be a voidborn.


This brings up another question: is someone in Aloys’ family a voidborn? To make it possible of Aloys to be part voidborn, someone has to have conceived with a voidborn in the first place.

Or it might be possible that the Demiurge is actually part voidborn? If nobody in Aloys’ family conceived with a voidborn, then it would make sense for Demiurge to be part voidborn to make this possible. (Since his mother is an aeon, that would make his father a voidborn.)


Souls don’t exist in the void, making it seem that voidborn are without a soul. Yet, he compared Aloys and voidborn as similar when looking into his eyes, so this could mean that Aloys doesn’t have a soul or that he almost doesn’t have one.


So it’s still possible to make an Army of Neruses? 

Jokes aside, it would imply that mortals, descendants, and shapeshifters aren’t unique. It would be possible to create the same person even if nothing about them, the flesh, nerves, or souls, comes from the original. Someone like Noch can easily create clones of anyone! Making it possible that after the world ends, Noch can easily recreate Aloys in the void. (Assuming that he is capable and has the ‘materials’ needed.)


What dreams does the voidborn have? Dreams seem to play an important role in the story, so this might mean something.


How did Noch enter from the void? 

There are currently only two breaches that happened in the story which occurred in the first and second wars, making it seem that Noch slips without anyone noticing. It is possible to have other ways to travel from the void and the Demiurge’s domain, but there is no evidence to support it. (I don’t think other breaches had occurred since the Obli would have taken advantage of it.)


This quote implies that something is going to happen after this memory, yet, there is nothing in Chapter 1 or any of the current memories so far to suggest anything like this. It makes it seem that this would come up later on in the story.

(The murder case of Chapter 1 may be the bomb, but the quote implies both Aloys and Noch will experience something, not just Aloys.)


Dreams seem to play an important role. Just like Aloys, Neru had one in the Prologue, so maybe these two dreams might be more than just dreams.

[Aloys encounter with the nun.]

This whole scenario is weird, but what is so mysterious about the event is the identity of the nun and the place itself.

It could be that the nun is one of the archons since they can somehow change the church itself, yet, I couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility that this is somehow the older age of Alessia. (No real evidence on Alessia, but kinda want to say it somewhere in this post.)


Two things: this show that Noch can somehow time travel to the future and manipulate the space around him to travel to the abbey without actually being there since Noch cannot leave his mountain even when he wants to help out Aloys.

We can see this event from the other perspective in Chapter 1, yet, this part of the story with Noch and Aloys should have happened before the events of Chapter 1. It implies that Noch can travel to the future and somehow manipulate the space around him to be at that place without leaving his mountain. Another interesting thing that Noch implies is that fate doesn’t bind Voidborns. Maybe Noch is giving Aloys the illusion of choice, but I wouldn’t think Noch would lie to Aloys like that.


Assassination seems to be not as uncommon with this type of work, but maybe this one might be different. It is also possible that Aloy’s brother is significant in the story. (It might be that he is already been introduced in the story in Chapter 1 as Josue.)


Obli made a similar connection that Aloys comparing the universe to the ocean, making me think this is how Roddorod wants the world to be interpreted.

The Pleroma is the sky.

The void is the ocean.

Based on what the characters say, the Demiurge’s realm could be a living creature in the ocean or the ocean floor itself.


This is quite weird. Knowing that both the burned man and Pyr are watching the memories, it would make sense that either one of them could have made this comment. This comment feels like what Pyr would say, yet I wouldn’t think he has the power to skip through a scene like this. Although true, I wouldn't think that the burned man would make such a comment on Aloys and Noch since he never made such a comment on other characters in the story.


It makes it seem that Obli, and by extension descendent and maybe shapeshifters, are also made with Samuel's soul like mortal souls.



In my previous post about Alessia, I connected the idea that Alessia’s ability to see memories in her dreams, her ability to see souls, and the timeline itself are all connected to the Chimera. The timeline still appears even though Alessia doesn’t seem to have the ability to see people’s memories anymore after the murder case. This either means that my Chimera theory is wrong or that, for some reason, the Chimera just doesn’t allow Alessia to see memories anymore. (Maybe Alessia can only see other memories through her dream when they are close to her.)


Aloys does talk about Rel in Aloys 2, but the comment itself isn’t enough to tell if Aloys know the connection between Rel and Alessia. It is possible that Noch told it to Aloys, but I would think that Aloys would use that information during the investigation to try to throw off the tracks during the murder case. (Like putting some cryptic information about Rell that both Alessia and Bitey don't know about around the Abbey.)


This is weird since, looking at Bitey’s family, the blessing seems to be very prevalent. Bitey, Alvaro, and Alvaro’s son Enrique all have the blessing, yet, when looking at Rel’s family Alessia and David didn’t inherit the dog-like appearance. (Rel appearance might be explained with a potion or transformation like Ben or Remigio but being a blessed human seems to only apply to humans who were changed by one of the seven instead of a transformation change.) 

The Burned Man

The burned man is a character we see most predominantly in Chapter 2, but this isn’t the first time the burned man appeared in the story. The first time we witness the burned man is in the Prologue when an unknown character, not lightly to be Pyr, has a one-sided conversation with him [A10]. We then continue to see him in Chapter 1, where he wakes up from the memory of the murder case and escapes from Pyr. The burned man is an important part of the story since the story is witnessed from his perspective.

 So this raises the question: who is the burned man? Well, the story does give us some things to consider.

[The burned man's first interaction with Pyr.]

In the first interaction, the burned man had with Pyr, many things can be concluded.

One, it is very unlikely for the burned man to not have existed before since Pyr laughs it off as not an option for it to be true. It is possible that Pyr was misdirecting the burned man from this conclusion. Yet, his reaction after seeing Pyr’s name indicated that he has some prior knowledge suggesting that he had existed before. 

Second, the burned man can be one of the characters in the story.

Third, the burned man hasn’t shown up yet in the story.

But then, this next quote does concern me.


This doesn’t necessarily mean to disagree with the assumption made, however, it does cast a bit of a shadow on the memories themselves. This could hint that the story is all false, or maybe skewed from the truth, to make the burned man believe in a lie.

Yet assuming that the second theory is true, who can the burned man be?


There is so much evidence to suggest that the burned man is Neru. 

1. C100

When looking down at his skin, the burned man thought he saw that he was covered in black fur. This would suggest that the burned man expected to have some fur instead of the burned skin he has right now.

2. [Prologue where the unknown person talks]

In the Prologue, the comments from the unknown person suggest that they regret putting the burned man through something after watching the Prologue. This suggests that the burned man has some connection with the characters shown in the Prologue, like Neru or Shax.

3.[Prologue evidence]

The ability that Neru has during the Prologue, being able to talk to Pyr even though Pyr wasn't in the story, could be the result of the burned man reliving as Neru. (Since he is in automatic mode, he could be seeing through the character's point of view instead of how he is watching it during Chapter 2.

4.(First person with Neru.)

As said before, the story is told in either the first-person or third-person perspective. When the story is told from Neru’s perspective, the story uses the first-person perspective while other characters are used in the third person. This could be because the burned man is watching the story, replaying the events that he went through.


This suggests that the experiences that are happening to the burned man are something he has experienced during the time of the story. Similarly, during this time Neru has accidentally flown into and is stuck in the void. Although we don’t know much about the void, the burned man experience could be the experience that Neru had during his time in the void, making it seem that the burned man is Neru.

What’s also interesting is that after the quote, when the first part of Obli 2 starts, it uses the third-person perspective.

But there are some things against it.

1. (First person with Shax/Obli.)

Neru is not the only character in the story that uses the first-person perspective. It is shown that Shax/Obli also uses the first-person perspective, making it seem that the burned man is not only Neru.

2. (Doesn’t remember that he is Neru.)

Even after showing some memories of Neru, the burned man didn’t seem to remember that he was Neru. This can mean that he either has forgotten that he was Neru, isn't Neru, or that there are not enough memories to trigger him to remember.

-The burned man is a combination of Neru and Shax/Obli

If the burned man isn’t Neru, the next thing that comes to mind is that the burned man is somehow a combination of Neru and Obli.

1.  Everything about the theory of Neru also applies to this.

2. Explains why both Neru and Shax/Obli use the first-person perspective.


1. There is not enough evidence to suggest this theory. It's pretty much just an idea without much evidence to support it.

-Burned man is Samuel. (Wild Theory)

1. (Everyone is connected.)

Everything that is experienced is from Demiurge's domain. Demiurge's souls form all mortals, shapeshifters, and descendants' souls, which explains why, even after watching the memories, the burned man doesn't recall who he is since he has to watch EVERYTHING or watch his own perspective when he is the Demiurge.

2.  (First and third-person perspective explanation.)

The first-person and third-person perspectives make sense since the Demiurge is both not them but also them at the same time. 

Things that go against the theory.

1. (Fur thing.)

Obli 2 shows that the Demiurge is a rock monster, so it wouldn’t make sense for the burned man to think that he has fur in the first place.

Besides the burned man's identity, there are some interesting things that I would like to discuss.


What confuses me is how the burned man sees these memories. The burned man experiences these events as a different entity, watching the memories happen as a side person instead of watching it from their perspective, even though Obli uses the first-person perspective during this memory. It could be that when the burned man is unconscious, he is experiencing from their perspective, but when he is conscious, he is experiencing the memories from the sideline.

Which could explain this next quote.


Even though Obli uses the first-person perspective in Obli 2, it would seem that the burned man couldn’t see Obli’s dream or interaction with the Demiurge. This could mean that the burned man couldn’t see any dream sequence, but this couldn’t be the case since he did talk about Alessia’s dream before. This brings up another question: what can the burned man really see during these memories? Can the burned man read the monologue these characters have during the memory? Is he experiencing the same story as we are? The only thing I can think of is that the burned man can read the monologue, but only in the Prologue and Chapter 1. Only when he is unconscious does he experience the feelings and thoughts of the character, but when the burned man is conscious, he doesn’t experience them at all, only being able to observe. Yet it is hard to tell if this is the case.

(1 edit) (+1)


Pyr ‘secrets’

These are all the secrets or interactions that I could find regarding Pyr, yet, I feel like there are some that I couldn’t find while reading the story.


It is very apparent that the two cats represent both Obli and Neru and that Pyr uses this analogy to make fun of them. If this is the case, why was the white cat, Neru, shown to have a sick complexion? Neru doesn’t seem to have any sickness during the Prologue and Chapter 2, so Pyr might just be jabbing at the fact Neru is old. (Or maybe this could point to the fact that Neru has the same ‘sickness’ as Alessia, confirming the idea that Neru had the hybrid with him, but this is just wild speculation.)


Although it is from Pyr, this quote seems to be from two different perspectives. 

The first part of the quote, “I see you through stained glass, but your form is clear as my reflection in still water. I hear you as if I was there, but I can’t reach you,” seems to be said from someone outside of the Demiurge's world. As said before, Aloys and Obli interpreted the world as this: the sky represents the Pleroma, and the ocean represents the void. Based on this, it would seem that someone is watching Demiurge’s realm from the Void wanting to help them. Another time the word stained glass is used is when Obli uses his teleportation magic. This could be seen in [C61], so this quote can refer to someone using teleportation magic to watch the events happening from a different location within the Demiurge’s world. 

The second part of the quote, “My fingertips freeze when touching the image of your cheek. Then, I see my reflection and I realize I don’t look like myself anymore,” seems to refer to the time the Demiurge physically met with Obli for the first time. Yet, the other part of the quote doesn’t seem to be relevant to the Demiurge since the Demiurge doesn’t seem to self-reflect on his physical body.


Pyr’s analysis of the character seems to suggest that he knows more of the story than what is present. Yet, these seem to be relevant to the burned man in some way. All the events could be relevant to the burned man since it seems to follow the same pattern: a group of three will have two characters falling in love, but those characters will separate in the end. I.e., Neru, Shax/Obli, and Servos while having Neru and Shax fall in love; Alessia, Bitey, and Bernardo while having Bitey and Bernardo fall in love; Obli, Noch, and Aloys while having Aloys and Noch fall in love.

Pyr talks a lot about this delusion, but I will discuss it later since it seems to be a very big thing for the story.


The way Pyr says this makes it seem that he has experienced his tragedy and that someone is also trampling over it. (Possibly from the burned man himself?) 

Pyr is a mysterious character that hasn't revealed their connection with the story that is being presented. Yet, Pyr may be one of the characters already introduced.


This is an interesting idea if you consider the burned man as Neru, yet I find this hard to believe since the Obli in the story seems to not have any ill will towards Neru, and in [C107] Pyr seems too distant from Obli. This could be explained later on in the story, but as for now, I can’t say that Pyr is Obli. (There are some similarities between both Obli and Pyr, like how Shax/Obli did a high pitch voice like Pyr, or that some of the wording seems similar to each other. This can also explain why the first-person perspective is used when watching from Shax/Obli's perspective since it’s from Pyr’s perspective.)

-Nomino, Noch’s lord, and/or the person talking to Sofia in Alessia’s dream

Obli’s comment on Nomino and my thoughts on him in my Prologue post suggest that Nomino might not be simply a shapeshifter. Obli says Nomino is the closest being to aeons that he knows of, maybe hinting at the fact that he might not be a shapeshifter in the first place. We see that even Great Shapeshifters indulge themselves with food and having social gatherings with each other. Not Nomino, who distanced himself from everyone and who actively avoided things like eating. Nomino seems to be doing this of his own volition, not wanting to be more of Demiurge's creation than he already is. Although a stretch, this could imply that Nomino has a disdain towards not only the aeons but also the living beings that Demiurge has created. This could be the same disdain that Pyr has toward the being like the burned man.

Since we don’t know too much about Noch’s lord and the person talking to Sofia in Alessia’s dream, it would be possible they are also Pyr. (Noch’s lord since both Pyr and Noch’s lord are most likely to be voidborns. The person talking to Sofia in Alessia’s dream could also be Nomino since the outcome of the whole story could have been devised by them, which means that he could be Pyr if the theory above is true.)


I think the most likely candidate for Pyr’s identity is that he is a new character we haven’t seen in the memories. There isn't much about Pyr, other than the comments he made on the story's character and the burned man, that suggests that Pyr is someone from the story. (Pyr seems to have a possible connection with the Red Manor, which the burned man also has, but that is left to be seen.)

The Carcass

There are little pieces of information about the Carcass or even the place where the burned man woke up during Chapter 1. But when referring to the Carcass, I will only be talking about the place that takes place in Chapter 2.

The Carcass is a huge place if Pyr is to be believed, with many people using the Carcass to study soul technology and magic. It also contains memory strings that form a big tree.


Because of this, I concluded that the Carcass is actually a dead body of an aeon. Aeons are ginormous beings made out of souls, which can account for the size and reason why the facility is used for studying souls. It can explain why the Carcass is called, well, the Carcass. Not only that, but I would think that the aeon is Samuel since the story revolves around the events that happen in Samuel’s domain. (This could mean that Noch’s plan of killing the Demiurge was to kill Samuel himself.)

The Time Egg

I always found the egg to be a bit more interesting than it first appeared. From what is shown, the time egg that the burned man has can do at least these things: look at memory threads, the ability to communicate with Pyr, teleport to the records, delete memory threads, and can go to automatic mode. Yet, this isn’t the only time we see a time egg.

Simply hitting escape, F1, or right-click will bring up the time egg allowing the user to look at the backlog, save, load, config, go back to the title, controls, or quit. 

This could mean that the burned man represents us, the player, or that we, the player, are watching the events of the burned man.

Redd Manor


Although not certain, this memory might have something to do with the Redd Manor. The only times that the Redd manor was said was during the Prologue, yet, even those leave no evidence of what the Redd manor actually is.  (It seems that the Redd manor is an important part of the story, but we just have to wait and see.)

These are some of my theories about the story.

  1. The burned man is forced to watch these stories as an atonement of something.

Because of the action the burned man has committed, he is forced to witness these memories in either as evidence or as punishment. 

  1. The story hasn’t finished yet. After reaching the end of the memories, the burned must act to prevent/help something.

This would make sense when considering Pyr's words. This endless story, a story that either has no end or doesn’t have an ending yet, could be stopped/finished after the action of the burned man. The burned man is escaping from his problems, not wanting to deal with them until he gets his memories back.

  1. Pyr is actually the burned man, but with his memories.

Crazy theory, but I wouldn’t think that it isn’t possible. Pyr is trying to ‘help’ the burned with these memories by making him conclude some biases.

Small things that I found interesting:

F1 is another way to go to the menu screen. What’s cool about it is that when done in the title screen, it would show the menu screen but without the Time Egg. You also can’t click on the Title screen since you are already on the title screen.

F2 brings up two different numbers. I think they are supposed to be the downloads of Neru, but I’m not sure what they are for.

F3 brings up the fps, ms, ms max. The fps doesn't seem to drop below 4 in the title screen, and the max fps that could be gained is 60 fps. (This could be based on refresh rates, but I don’t know how it really works.)

There seems to be a pair of red eyes when skipping through the story. It’s a cool easter egg, but it might be more than that.

When looking around the files for some images, I this interesting image.

This image contains Neru’s and Obli’s textbox, but I’ve never seen it during normal gameplay. Maybe there is a way to find this in the game, but I would think that this might be some unused assets. (This image could suggest that Neru and Shax/Obli are combined somehow, but since it’s never used I wouldn’t say that it is canon.)

Best Quote!

Bitey refers to Alessia as his daughter!!! This is too cute to not love.

Final Thoughts

I love reading this visual novel. I never am the kind of person who reads books, but this is the only thing I have read and reread twice over. This post took me a long time since Chapter 2 contains so many topics to talk about. I’ve removed many of them from this post, but I hope I didn’t remove the ones that I consider important. I’ll be taking a break from Nerus for a time being, and I plan on data mining this game so I can read the extra dreams from Alessia.