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Solid game! Nice clean art, fun story. I especially liked the inclusion of an escape sequence, made me very happy lol.

There were a few of points in the game that I was confused by...
* The eye boss in its entirety is very unclear, I think I might have spoiled myself a bit on it by glancing at the comments, otherwise I might not even have tried to hit the main eye or realized I was in a boss room at all. Hitting sewers until they were deslimed in order to wake up smaller eyes that shot at me so I could hit a bigger eye that would teleport me back up to where I started where I had to whip one of the battery obstacles... everything felt very arbitrary and it wasn't until 4 or 5 deaths in I felt like I had a grasp of everything that was going on there mechanically. Not sure if I just didn't pay enough attention to the lore or what...
I think one of the smallest ways to remedy it might be decreasing the size of the arena (at first?) so that the player sees the main eye waking up, since when you enter the arena it does nothing and you can't interact with it. I also somehow didn't realize the small eyes straight away, they felt like they come on randomly, especially I think because they come on after one hit while the sewer takes multiple hits to set off.

I will say though, once I grasped everything it was a very fun challenge to dodge everything while running everywhere, although by the sixth battery you do start to feel exhausted lol, and there doesn't seem to be a way to heal once you run out of vials since they don't respawn.

* Spikes were incredibly confusing. At first, I got jerked around by purple spikes, and just assumed I had stepped on an unrelated teleporter. Later my conclusion warped into "oh, I must have died, and it started me back at a checkpoint", but sometimes that checkpoint was further ahead of where I was when I had stepped on the spike. I didn't even realize that I hadn't truly experienced death until the boss fight.
Maybe some kind of particle animation that moves you back to start would make things less disorienting?

* Red spikes as well, they drain your health over time, but there's not really any feedback saying 'ouch ouch ouch I need to get out', so it could be red grass for all you know until suddenly you're dead.

The music in the escape sequence seemed a bit... chill? Not sure if that was intentional since it did cut off in the beginning

I'm also really curious on to the decision of making bombs limited, there were quite a few times especially early on where I ran out of bombs trying to hit switches and awkwardly had to run back to somewhere I knew refills were. Even in the case of combat, none of the enemies are threatening enough that I'm in danger of overextending by using them, since I can just lob a few, run back a bit to refill, and then return. The one exception might be the boss, which certainly is painful if you waste bombs on anything but the main eye, but I'm not sure it needs a difficulty spike on top of the many constant lasers lol.

Bombs are also probably the most fun thing in the game to use, the first thing you want to do when you get them is go nuts and throw them everywhere!

I also thought having the doors set up the way they were was interesting, it's pretty uncommon to be able to close doors. You might be able to create instances where the player is desperately running away from an enemy, and has to close it to keep it out? Just a random thought.

Overall it was a fun experience! I don't think I ever got too lost despite the map feeling quite large, and I really liked a lot of the smaller challenges like the moving platform on-rail challenges and the escape sequence. I'd say things like that gave it a really nice variety in the gameplay that I haven't seen in this jam.

The unclarity of the eye boss is more an artifact of it being a late addition to the game than you missing anything. It could use more feedback in general, and another pass to tune the difficulty.

The escape sequence not having it’s own music was more an artifact of not having enough time between the conception and implementation for the musician to have time to pull something together.

Spikes having more feedback, better checkpointing, and/or switching out red spikes for lava or acid would definitely help.

As far as bomb ammo goes, I think I’d make it something that spawns from enemies in the future (as well as health that is separate from vials) and/or make the damage output from bombs closer to the pipe (and make most enemies less tanky to match).

The thing I wanted to avoid was players only using bombs, though, as you pointed out, there’s enough ammo about that they can almost get there.

I like keeping melee at least a bit relevant, though how the pipe interacts with enemies needs work (especially having knockback).

Thanks for giving the game a close look!