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Thank you so much for the feedback! I'm glad you liked the game and your feedback is amazing!

- I agree that the amount of tiles is a bit much, and blurs the purpose of each tile-type a bit too much. Having a more well-defined purpose for each tile is very important for the game not to become confusing.

- Allowing the player to better dictate the amount of tiles in the next island is a great idea! You are right, the lack of control can be very frustrating at times, and honstly I don't know how I didn't think of it myself, brilliant!

- Warning the player that a move will make them starve or dehydrated is a good idea, and should bring a bit more clarity to the game.

- Thanks for finding a misspelling, I'll fix it :D

- I would like to introduce more 'quests', with things you have to find or build.

- An option to turn off the custom cursor would be pretty easy to impliment (I think), and is a good idea. I'm not sure how well the cursor scales and it can be kind of clunky.

- Adding more abilities to 'Upgrades', like boiling water, playing for rain, foraging for food, boosting the chance of animal encounters... and so on, could be a solution to the problem of not having anything to do on a tile.

- I would like to add an achievement system (it is a lot of work tho).

New game modes are a bit out of scope for the time being, but I will definitly keep your ideas in mind!

Again, thank you so much for the feedback, it means a lot to me!!
and even though I can't do all your suggestions, the fact that you took the time to write out such a thoughful post means a ton!