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Wow, this game is pretty great, albeit maddeningly difficult at times. I powered through and I'm glad I did, but some of those challenges were a real doozy! The first boss was really hard but also a really clever design. I struggled with the second boss too, but the third was much easier. The platforming sections with insta-death spikes almost made me rage-quit at a couple points, including the very last challenge to the top. However, overall the gameplay was very good and compelling and the finish was rewarding. Here are a few thoughts:

1.  Part of this is a limitation of the tiny resolution but there were a number of rooms where enemies attack you almost immediately after entering. This felt a little unfair. Also, I never successfully made it past that very fast enemy in the tiny space before the first boss without taking damage. Not fun. 

2. I appreciated the fact that gameplay was fairly intuitive; it was difficult but I didn't ever feel like I didn't know what to do. The grapple thing was the hardest to figure out. 

3. I think *slightly* tweaking some of the platforming challenges and/or being more generous with save points would make it a bit more enjoyable. After a while, it was pretty demoralizing having to backtrack through a bunch of spike segments only to fall on another spike and then do it again. 

I can't believe it but another javascript game is a serious contender. Well done. 

Thanks for the compliments and detailed feedback! :)