I'm aware that the robots may end up creating lag at high level, I'm thinking making a maximum number of them on the screen to prevent lag or modify my game engine to make it more low spec friendly... I'm going to see that in few days.
The buttons should have been larger the last update, I've already seen the problem when you showed me your game after 20k clicks, but, I forget to move the new files in the new game's archive... My bad, I'll do a hotfix today, or a new update, depending on my planning.
Letters for number is an idea I'll think about, as you said there is not much chance someone will get that far in game but I'll think about it because it's true, it's makes things clearer.
I'll make stars either bigger nor brighter to make it easier to catch, maybe extend time it shows up on screen too.
Thank you again for your feedback, it's really much appreciated !